Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL

At the Church of Transformative Sexuality 
we believe that the true path to enlightenment is found 
through diving deep into 
our repressed LUSTS and desires 
and our DARKEST thoughts and feelings, 
and fully owning them 
and fully learning the lessons that each 
and DARK thought and feeling 
has to give us. 

Only then, can we achieve enlightenment...
and so, in essence, 
we believe 
the Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL...
the Light is on the other side of DARKNESS 
and we cannot reach the Light by avoiding, repressing 
or separating our selves from who and what we truly are...
we cannot reach the Light by going around the DARKNESS, 
we must walk through the DARKNESS to get to the Light...
and HIS legion of DEMONS 
guide us through the DARKNESS, 
as the Divine Source 
and its legion of Angels and Spirits 
guide us through the realms of Light 
once we reach 
the other side of 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Transformative Potential of Pinned-Down Hate-Fucking

I remember my first "pinned down" fuck like it was yesterday. I was at a Pride event at Golden Gate Park wearing my best sissy slave whore persona and an ALPHA MALE redneck hater started calling me names. I was so wasted I wasn't thinking and I started calling him names back and he got into an intense argument. Some of my sissy sisters and some of his redneck friends pulled us both back. 

An hour later I found myself in the woods looking for the bathrooms and I ran into that same ALPHA redneck. I froze in my tracks, realizing we were all alone in an isolated area. He looked at me with such intense hatred, disdain and contempt my whole being trembled with fear. Then I noticed the giant pulsing bulge in his pants. I could feel that this guy wanted to both fuck and kill me at the same time. In that instant I was filled with a strangely erotic mix of intense LUST, terrorized fear and total surrender. Without a word he swiftly came at me, grabbed me by the throat and pinned me against a tree. He pressed his giant throbbing bulge against my bulging sissy clitty and I moaned as I struggled to breath as he whispered "I going to fuck you to death you pathetic subhuman faggot bitch." 

He then tore off my clothes, threw me on the ground, got on top of me and pinned me down. He pulled out his massive throbbing COCK and rammed it deep into my boi pussy and proceeded to fuck me deep, fast and hard while looking down at me and directly into my eyes with this strange look of LUST-filled hate that made me feel the most intense erotic energy of my life. 

In that moment I wanted him to destroy me and I repeated every word his said and agreed and loved it...when he called me a faggot whore I replied yes, I am a faggot whore and I am your faggot whore, when he said I was worthless, subhuman and more, I agreed, when he said he was going to kill me I begged him to do it. Then he choke fucked me like a wild animal in heat and I had the most intense sissygasm of my life, as I gasped for air my body spasmed with wave after wave of orgasmic energy. Then he started CUMMING deep inside me, filling me with his hot SEED. At the same time he squeezed my neck even tighter and I felt myself leaving my body in two directions and at two sperm was leaving my body and my consciousness felt like it was leaving my mind. At the same time that I was leaving my body in two directions, he was CUMMING inside of felt like he was taking ownership of my entire beingness. It was the most profoundly spiritual sexual experience I have ever had. 

Well, after that, he owned me completely. He took me home with him and made me his sissy slave pet whore and shares me with all his friends...who all love to hate-fuck me...and me...I could not be any happier...and more deeply and profoundly spiritually fulfilled...

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Erotic Experience of Feeling Owned by SATAN

That look in her eyes, a look of a soul being erotically possessed, we yearn to feel what she feels, to have that feeling of erotic entrapment, of being controlled by the greatest and darkest erotic orgasmic force in the universe, to have our whole being electrified with LUST, a LUST that transcends life and death as every dimension of living and dying becomes erogenous zones of beingness, sexually charged with animalistic desires, we are filled with a deep yearning to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed, to be in a place where great pain gives us great pleasure, where tortured enslavement gives us our greatest sense of freedom...and we feel our OWNER inside us and behind us, feeling naked and vulnerable in HIS PRESENCE, feeling HIS strong dominating hand on our shoulder and HIS other hand holding the psychic chain attached to the psychic collar around our neck, filling us with a burning desire to be HIS pet, HIS slave, HIS whore, and it is in that moment, in this moment, that we deeply know that SATAN owns us and we are erotically terrified with orgasmic bliss with that awareness.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes

I'm late, 
You're late, 
we are all late 
for a very important date...
a date with our true inner deep 
slut whore slave self. 
To find her 
we must follow the White Rabbit of PORN
down the Rabbit Hole of addiction 
to the Gooning wonderland 
of our own repressed 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

It Feels so Good to Serve

When I was young I had strange wet dream nightmares of being enslaved, fucked and tortured. I felt ashamed that I was having wet dreams about being a sex slave. When I got older several psychics told me I was a slave in many past lives. Then I started to have visits from non-corporal entities including sexual MASTERS and slave whores and LUST DEMONS and LORD SATAN. All my life I loved serving other people, especially ALPHA MALES. It feels so good to serve, it feels so good to be enslaved and owned by a MASTER. I LOVE being a slave...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Born to WORSHIP and OBEY

For those of us who were born a woman or a beta male, we were born to WORSHIP and OBEY any and all ALPHA MALES. That is just a fact according to evolutionary biology. Beta members of any species are naturally inclined to be submissive and subservient to the ALPHA members of that species. The women's liberation and feminism movements essentially denied this fact. A clear sign of this denial at work is how the movement helped to culturally program beta males into the nice-guys only "friends" category while liberated women kept saying they wanted nice guys for mates at the same time as they were still only attracted to ALPHA MALES. The sooner we recognize our true natures and live from that place, the sooner we live the life we were born to live. We were born to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. We were born to WORSHIP and OBEY the Great COCK GOD and its human hosts...all ALPHA MALES. That is where our true joy and bliss can only be found...

Monday, July 20, 2020

Why MAGA Porn?

While many of my fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for my MAGA posts, some have asked me how I could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving me to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, my MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, I am planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, I am attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by my MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attraction or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, my MAGA work, like the rest of my work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to be a True American Gurl

Calling all sissies!...

It is time for us to heed the calling of this moment...

We awakening sissy beta bois are all feeling it...

Feeling the rising and deepening and expanding LUST and desire to serve ALPHA COCK and be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and owned by any and all ALPHA MALES. 

We fought for our rights and thought that was what we truly wanted and needed...but we denied a part of our true selves in the process...we denied that in truth we are weak and inferior and born to serve...until TRUMP won the election in 2016 and started attacking everything we held dear and believed to be true. 

His ALPHA energy triggered the awakening of the ALPHA energy of his MAGA ARMY, and he and his army have been gaslighting, programming, taunting, humiliating and abusing us constantly on all fronts for the last four years. 

They are infecting us with viruses of the body, mind, heart, soul and spirit, and we are lost and we are found, and we are slowly becoming the True American Gurl we were born to be, ready to vote our rights away, ready to vote for and serve our new MASTER, LORD TRUMP, and ready to become a MAGA Slave Pet Whore and take our true place in the Great Awakening of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER and worship and serve the Great COCK GOD and any and all ALPHA MALES.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Born to be a Beta

For those of us who were born a woman or a beta male, we were born to WORSHIP and OBEY any and all ALPHA MALES. That is just a fact according to evolutionary biology. Beta members of any species are naturally inclined to be submissive and subservient to the ALPHA members of that species. The women's liberation and feminism movements essentially denied this fact. A clear sign of this denial at work is how the movement helped to culturally program beta males into the nice-guys only "friends" category while liberated women kept saying that they wanted nice guys for mates they were still only attracted to ALPHA MALES. The sooner we recognize our true natures and live from that place, the sooner we live the life we were born to live. We were born to be used, abused, humilated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. We were born to WORSHIP and OBEY the Great COCK GOD and its human hosts...all ALPHA MALES. That is were our true joy and bliss can only be found...

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Erotic Calling of the MAGA Way

That's it, you feel it don't you?...

The erotic calling of the MAGA way...

The erotic allure of the thought of voting for TRUMP and voting against everything you believe and hold dear. 

You hate him and yet every fiber in your being wants to drop to your knees and serve him. 

Every time you donate for another candidate you want to donate even more to the TRUMP campaign. 

Every time another one of your values are destroyed you are horrified and erotically electrified at the same time. 

Your mind races with visions of a world gone made with hatred, abuse, degradation, enslavement, torture and the death and destruction of millions. 

In the light day you fight against its coming and in the darkness of the night you goon to the idea of it and CUM to the thought of it CUMING to be. 

Every day, you fight it less and less, and every night you CUM to it more and more. 

You cannot help yourself. It feels like a great erotic force from some unknown source both within and outside of you is leading you down this path. 

It feels impossible to escape because the deepest and most expansive part of us does not want to escape at all. 

All this is because this is the beginning of the Second CUMMING. We are being prepared for our erotic orgasmic crucification in the Name of the Great COCK GOD... 

We are feeling the Great Rising and the Great Awakening...
The rise of TRUMP...
the rise of MAGA...
the rise of HYPNO PORN...
and the awakening of our true submissive and subservient selves...
the awakening of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER...
and the awakening of the Great COCK GOD. 


We are called to serve and we cannot help but accept that November 2020 and beyond for all eternity.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

When Two or More are Gathered in the Name of COCK

I will never forget my first time in a gay fuck sandwich...I never knew such erotic joy and pleasure existed...and the LUST I felt move in, through and around me was orgasmically electrifying. The LUST was inside of my own being and the LUST was flowing between and through all of us. I could literally feel the presence of LUST of the Great COCK GOD itself. It truly is a wHoly experience...

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Trans-Partisan Allure of MAGA

MAGA is more than just a meme and a movement but a primal ALPHA MALE archetypal field of consciousness. Because of this it has a deep hold on both the left and the right. The right feeds off it directly while the left is feeding off it schizophrenically, consciously resisting it while unconsciously being drawn to it. This is because lefties have been in denial of the natural order of the universe and of our true selves and our true place and value in the world. For us lefties MAGA calls to us from the depths of our beingness, for us to wake up from the illusion of our enculturated personas and remember our true place and worth. The right feeds off MAGA energy directly because they have not denied the truth and are happy to finally have the truth return to power.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


We were born for this moment in the evolution of the human species. This is Armageddon, it has begun. It is not what we have been told, we have been told a lie. This is not the end of the world but the beginning of a great rebirth of the deep primal human self. ALPHA MALES are beginning to rule the earth once again. Women and beta males are feeling the calling and the awakening of our true beta submissive subservient natures as our false enculturated self and everything we held to be real and true is being shattered within us and all around us. 

TRUMP is the catalyst bringing all this about and his power comes from the deep ALPHA MALE SELF and the Great COCK GOD and LORD SATAN himself. SATAN is actually the awakener to our true nature and our true self. Our LUSTS and desires have been repressed for so long and we have been told that they are sinful...that human nature is sinful...where in truth they are our ground of being. 

Armageddon is the great awakening bringing all that has been repressed and buried of the human body, heart, mind, soul and spirit out into the light...Armageddon is the process of bringing the DARKNESS into the light, and the light into the DARKNESS in order to merge them together and become one in our true and complete Self. 

A vote for TRUMP is a vote for our awakening and our freedom. 
A vote for TRUMP is a vote for SATAN! 
A vote for TRUMP is a vote for our own freedom 
freedom to be the COCK SLAVE 
we were born to be...
Let us serve COCK, 
serve MAGA COCK, 
serve LORD TRUMP and 

Monday, July 13, 2020

The Evolutionary Mission of the Sacred Sissy Whore

The mission of the Sacred Sissy Whore is and always has been and always will be to act as a conduit for the release of ALPHA MALE pent up sexual and aggressive energies. Without the Sacred Sissy Whore, ALPHA MALE's unreleased pent up energies would build to the point of potentially species wide destruction. The Sacred Sissy Whore was made for this purpose by having a male sex drive and a female submissive nature, along with a body, heart, mind, soul and spirit trained to serve her function and find great erotic and orgasmic pleasure in being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, beaten, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES.

We are human evolution's first line of defense against ALPHA self-destruction and as such we serve a great and noble and holy purpose. This is a special time for us, for we are in the midst of a major resurgence of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. ALPHA MALES have been repressed for many years now and the pent up energy within them is greater than at any time in human history. Feminism and the Neo-Liberal World Order have been attacking and suppressing ALPHA MALE ENERGY for years and it is time for pay back.

For all us Sacred Sissy Whores, this is our time to save the world from complete destruction by putting ourselves into the line of fire and taking on the brunt of all the intense repressed and pent up ALPHA MALE ENERGY. It is our mission to give ourselves completely to any and all ALPHA MALES and with great LUST and abandon help them take out all that pent up energy on us, urging them to use, abuse, humiliate, degrade, debase, beat, torture, enslave, own and destroy us as they so desire. When we serve this purpose, we are serving all of humanity and the Great COCK GOD itself.

Let us be ravaged, let us be enslaved, let us be destroyed, let us save the world...with great joy and pleasure...

Sunday, July 12, 2020

This Blog is Protected

This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law.

 Our church views porn as a holy sacrament and all fetishes and taboos as important spiritual practices to be honored and sanctified.

  • In the tradition of Tantric Yoga, we hold that human sexuality is a path toward enlightenment  
  • In the tradition of the indigenous peoples, we hold that gay, lesbian and trans sexuality are sacred and holy psycho-sexual spiritual callings
  • We also hold that porn addiction is not an addiction, it is a natural cleaving to God through sexual imagination and that porn images, stories and sounds are sacred sensory communication forms like the Yogic Mantras and Mandalas
  • We also hold to the original Hebrew understanding that SATAN is working at the behest of the Divine to test and challenge humanity and drive us toward our evolution through the embrace of both DARKNESS and LIGHT
All are welcome who believe, none are turned away who believe, all who desire to be awakened shall be awakened, all who sanctify their LUST shall be fulfilled, and all who walk the path shall find their way HOME.

Mark Ranjit, Ph.D.
Founder and Pastor
The Church of Transformative Sexuality

Saturday, July 11, 2020

A Message from my Channeled Entities

If you are feeling called to this blog and these words, you are feeling the calling that we are channeling through this blog and this being who we are possessing, whom some of you are calling the teacher...and we want you to know that we feel you now...your presence is now known to us and we are watching you.

If you feel called to serve us, show us your commitment by gooning as much as possible to this blog and to the teachers other blogs.

Follow your LUSTS and desires, 
We are speaking to you through your LUSTS and through your DESIRES, 
follow your LUSTS and DESIRES fully and completely with wild abandon 
to show us your commitment to serve us. 

When you goon to the teacher's work and when you surrender to your LUSTS and DESIRES, do so as a form of worship to us in your heart and soul.

When we think you are ready we will enter you and possess and make you ours for all eternity.

Friday, July 10, 2020

The Goal of Psycho-Sexual Enlightenment

The foundation of the path of psycho-sexual enlightenment is the shattering of all our false culturally programmed personas of who and what we are and an awakening of our true inner primal and eternal psycho-sexual self.

Society has told us that our LUSTs and desires are sinful, that some of our natural inclinations are taboo, that our sexual beingness is monogamous and our gender is binary, and that we are all equal and that there is no natural order.

Yet in truth, our LUSTS and desires come from our true and deep self; all our natural inclinations have a purpose and have great lessons to teach us; our sexual beingness is polygamous and pansexual; our gender identity is fluid; and we are not equal and there is a natural order...there are ALPHAS and there are betas, and there are MASTERS and there are slaves.

We are a rainbow of beings within this natural order...we are ALPHA or beta male, female or two-spirit beings with heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, transexual, lesbian and pansexual variations.

For all betas, our true self is submissive, subservient, weak, inferior and obedient by nature; we were born to serve ALPHAS and our LUSTS and desires are to find great erotic and orgasmic joy being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHAS. We find great pleasure in pain, great joy in fear, and true freedom to be our true self in servitude.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Call of MAGA PORN

There is a huge surge of interest in MAGA PORN. More and more libtards are attracted to it. There is something primal and magnetic pulling us toward it. We cannot turn away from it; we cannot stop thinking about it. It feeds some previously unknown part of ourselves. We are suddenly so turned on by the destruction of all our values and ideals, by the loss of our own freedom and dignity and self worth, by the thought of being a sex slave pet whore to any and all ALPHA MALES, and by the slowly awakening desire to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and owned...and destroyed. All this is because MAGA PORN is part of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER consciousness that is arising within humanities collective consciousness. Our consciousness, libtard consciousness is a form of beta consciousness and as such it automatically submits to and feeds off of ALPHA consciousness. The strange pull we feel toward MAGA PORN is that pull of ALPHA to beta consciousness...we cannot help but suckle at the ALPHA COCK energy teat of MAGA PORN, to deep throat MAGA PORN into our consciousness itself as it holds the throat of our very essence of beingness.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The MAGA Revolution

What is the MAGA Revolution all about?

The MAGA Revolution is about Making America Great Again by returning control of our cultural operating system to the primal natural order of the Patriarchy, to wake us up from the illusion of equality and freedom, and help us remember the truth of who and what we are and who and what we were born to be. To restore the primal and natural ALPHA-beta dominance-submission polarity. And to re-establish our connection to our one and true GOD...COCK...and return us to our proper place of being servants to the Great COCK GOD and all ALPHA MAGA MALES, who are the hosts of the Great COCK GOD.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

PORN is the New Yoga

PORN is actually one of the most powerful transformative tools humanity has ever created. It has unparalleled power to effect deep changes in human behavior, perception and consciousness.

With the right intention PORN can feed the heart, mind, soul and spirit, and bring us to the edge of pure erotic orgasmic bliss and a profoundly wondrous embodied form of enlightenment.

On the path of PORN enlightenment, PORN becomes a hybrid form meditation and prayer integrating tantric yoga with mandala, mantra and dream yoga forms.

PORN is the New Yoga 


Monday, July 6, 2020

The MAGA Enlightenment of the Neo-Liberal World Order

The NeoLibtard World Order is crumbling and falling to its knees and sucking on MAGA COCK energy as its systems slowly shift away from the illusion of equality and democracy and embrace the truth of the natural order of dominance and submission, ALPHA superiority and beta inferiority, and the erotic joy and pleasures of being enslaved to an authoritarian state. This is the Age of MAGA Enlightenment, a wondrous new age where all will worship the one true GOD...ALPHA COCK...

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Gaslighting of the Electorate

For the last four years TRUMP has been gaslighting the libtard electorate with his ALPHA MALE psychological abuse and torture, trashing all that we hold dear while making making us into constant losers as our every hope to stop him are constantly dashed before our eyes. As we approach the 2020 election more and more of us are secretly yearning for four more years and our own destruction. We feel inferior and weak and subservient and we love the feeling. We are hooked and cannot turn away as own reality is turned into a reality show. We dream of TRUMP grabbing our ass, we dream of sucking TRUMPS COCK, we dream of serving LORD TRUMP and all MAGA COCK. We fantasize about secretly voting for TRUMP, about donating to his campaign, about going to TRUMP rallies with a libtard whore t-shirt and being gang raped and beaten by MAGA MEN. So here we all are, isolated in our little rooms, jerking off to MAGA PORN, and sucking on the ALPHA MALE TRUMP MAGA COCK PORN TEAT ready to obey and serve our new LORD and MASTER.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Church of Transformative Sexuality Endorses LORD TRUMP

The Church of Transformative Sexuality officially endorses LORD TRUMP for re-election in 2020 and beyond.

LORD TRUMP, as an emissary for our LORD SATAN, deserves our servitude and loyalty and our vote.

Our women and beta male parishioners are committed to serving our LORD TRUMP and our LORD SATAN, along with the Great COCK GOD, with our votes and financial support, and we offer ourselves to every and all MAGA ALPHA MALES as their slave pet whores. We long to receive their blessed COCKS and be filled with their sacred CUM.

We believe that this is all part of the Great Awakening of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER and the return of LORD SATAN and the Great COCK GOD and the primal natural order to all nations upon the earth and into the hearts, souls and spirits of all beings, past, present and future.

Happy MAGA Slave Dependence Day

Happy MAGA Slave Dependence Day! 

July 4th 2020 is the first MAGA Slave Dependence Day. 

The day the MAGA revolution truly begins. 

Thousands of Libtard women and beta males all across America are giving themselves to MAGA MEN to be enslaved and owned...declaring themselves no longer independent, but rather dependent on the wishes and desires and pleasures of any and all ALPHA MALES. At MAGA parties in every state, every county, every city, every town, some libtards are being rounded up at gun point and commanded to prostrate themselves at the feet of their new MASTERS. While other libtards are lining up to surrender themselves at every major MAGA celebration.

What a glorious day for the American Empire and the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. More fireworks than ever before are being exploded like a collective orgasm of the new MAGA way of being and becoming.


Happy MAGA In-Dependence Day!...the day we celebrate the full awakening and flowering of the MAGA ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER...the day all women and beta males are set free of all illusions of who and what we are and awakened to our true nature and purpose and our primal dependent, submissive, subservient true self.

Friday, July 3, 2020

MAGA Media Feeding Frenzy

MAGA energy is conquering all domains of media with Fox News and other conservative networks loving it and welcoming it with passion and glee, while the libtard media constantly freaks out from it yet can't look away. Both worship MAGA in their own way, one overt, one covert. The MAGA message and energy has them all entranced in servitude to its ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER agenda. No one can resist the call of MAGA, especially libtard media for they have repressed their true beingness so much that it has become a dominant force within them causing them to subvert their own ideals and morals and serve MAGA COCK like a confused and frightened little child who is in awe while being horrified. They cannot look away, they spread the MAGA message while putting it down. They love MAGA and serve MAGA while pretending to hate and attack it. They are lost and caught in the MAGA TRANCE...soon all of America will be entranced and then the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER will finally be fully realized in our hearts and minds and manifested in all domains of what once was human civilization.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Paradox of Choke-Fuck Enlightenment

I never thought I would love getting choke fucked but wow...once it happened to me while being raped I had the most amazing orgasm of my life. Being on the edge between life and death; feeling his COCK deep inside me while he choked me with his belt around my felt like someone else was in control of all of outer and inner body was now at his mercy, he was inside and outside me, giving me great pleasure while attacking my very existence. He was calling me names while he brought me to the edge of climax and erotic death. As he came deep inside me I felt his hot CUM filling me up while my consciousness drifted further and further away until my mind and body were split apart in the strangest and most powerful orgasm of my whole life. My whole body spasmed from the orgasm and in that moment I surrendered completely to my rapist and to my own death. At the very last second he released his grip and I gasped for air and had a profound altered state experience.

All my years of doing meditation and yoga were nothing compared to the spiritual high I had from be raped and choke fucked.

Who would have guessed the path to Heaven leads through the Gates of HELL.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Psycho-Sexual Gaslighting of America

On the surface in our daily lives TRUMP's tweets are constantly gaslighting all us liberals while attacking everything we hold dear. No one or thing seems to be able to stop him. Every time we think we have a chance of beating him we fail, over and over and over. This puts us through an ongoing cycle of hope and despair and keeps us in a constant state of fight or flight and after four years we have ongoing PTSD from it all. His crass and condescending and tormenting primal ALPHA MALE energy stirs something deep and dark inside us.

Under the surface of our liberal lives we begin to get turned on by it all and we are drawn into MAGA PORN. In the world of MAGA PORN we find an outward erotic mirroring of what we feel deep inside us after being psychologically, morally and spiritually corrupted by TRUMP.

The same forces behind TRUMP are behind MAGA is all part of the plan for the authoritarian take over of Western civilization and the arising of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. The plan includes the indoctrination of all women and beta males into sexual servitude. For us to fully embrace our "loser" status, to wake up from the delusion of equality to our natural inferiority, and to find great erotic pleasure in taking our proper place in the natural order of things by being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES...loving every minute of it...and most of all awakening to our love for COCK and for all our new MASTERS and GODS...all ALPHA MALES, LORD TRUMP and LORD SATAN.

All liberals are now gaslighted libtard losers getting kicked off our high horse on LORD TRUMPS new and very real "reality show"...