Friday, July 10, 2020

The Goal of Psycho-Sexual Enlightenment

The foundation of the path of psycho-sexual enlightenment is the shattering of all our false culturally programmed personas of who and what we are and an awakening of our true inner primal and eternal psycho-sexual self.

Society has told us that our LUSTs and desires are sinful, that some of our natural inclinations are taboo, that our sexual beingness is monogamous and our gender is binary, and that we are all equal and that there is no natural order.

Yet in truth, our LUSTS and desires come from our true and deep self; all our natural inclinations have a purpose and have great lessons to teach us; our sexual beingness is polygamous and pansexual; our gender identity is fluid; and we are not equal and there is a natural order...there are ALPHAS and there are betas, and there are MASTERS and there are slaves.

We are a rainbow of beings within this natural order...we are ALPHA or beta male, female or two-spirit beings with heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, transexual, lesbian and pansexual variations.

For all betas, our true self is submissive, subservient, weak, inferior and obedient by nature; we were born to serve ALPHAS and our LUSTS and desires are to find great erotic and orgasmic joy being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHAS. We find great pleasure in pain, great joy in fear, and true freedom to be our true self in servitude.

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