Friday, July 3, 2020

MAGA Media Feeding Frenzy

MAGA energy is conquering all domains of media with Fox News and other conservative networks loving it and welcoming it with passion and glee, while the libtard media constantly freaks out from it yet can't look away. Both worship MAGA in their own way, one overt, one covert. The MAGA message and energy has them all entranced in servitude to its ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER agenda. No one can resist the call of MAGA, especially libtard media for they have repressed their true beingness so much that it has become a dominant force within them causing them to subvert their own ideals and morals and serve MAGA COCK like a confused and frightened little child who is in awe while being horrified. They cannot look away, they spread the MAGA message while putting it down. They love MAGA and serve MAGA while pretending to hate and attack it. They are lost and caught in the MAGA TRANCE...soon all of America will be entranced and then the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER will finally be fully realized in our hearts and minds and manifested in all domains of what once was human civilization.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a slutty sweet sissy addict for Alpha males and them big God cock! I need service God cocks!!!
