Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Trans-Partisan Allure of MAGA

MAGA is more than just a meme and a movement but a primal ALPHA MALE archetypal field of consciousness. Because of this it has a deep hold on both the left and the right. The right feeds off it directly while the left is feeding off it schizophrenically, consciously resisting it while unconsciously being drawn to it. This is because lefties have been in denial of the natural order of the universe and of our true selves and our true place and value in the world. For us lefties MAGA calls to us from the depths of our beingness, for us to wake up from the illusion of our enculturated personas and remember our true place and worth. The right feeds off MAGA energy directly because they have not denied the truth and are happy to finally have the truth return to power.

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