Saturday, July 18, 2020

Born to be a Beta

For those of us who were born a woman or a beta male, we were born to WORSHIP and OBEY any and all ALPHA MALES. That is just a fact according to evolutionary biology. Beta members of any species are naturally inclined to be submissive and subservient to the ALPHA members of that species. The women's liberation and feminism movements essentially denied this fact. A clear sign of this denial at work is how the movement helped to culturally program beta males into the nice-guys only "friends" category while liberated women kept saying that they wanted nice guys for mates they were still only attracted to ALPHA MALES. The sooner we recognize our true natures and live from that place, the sooner we live the life we were born to live. We were born to be used, abused, humilated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. We were born to WORSHIP and OBEY the Great COCK GOD and its human hosts...all ALPHA MALES. That is were our true joy and bliss can only be found...

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