Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Call of MAGA PORN

There is a huge surge of interest in MAGA PORN. More and more libtards are attracted to it. There is something primal and magnetic pulling us toward it. We cannot turn away from it; we cannot stop thinking about it. It feeds some previously unknown part of ourselves. We are suddenly so turned on by the destruction of all our values and ideals, by the loss of our own freedom and dignity and self worth, by the thought of being a sex slave pet whore to any and all ALPHA MALES, and by the slowly awakening desire to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and owned...and destroyed. All this is because MAGA PORN is part of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER consciousness that is arising within humanities collective consciousness. Our consciousness, libtard consciousness is a form of beta consciousness and as such it automatically submits to and feeds off of ALPHA consciousness. The strange pull we feel toward MAGA PORN is that pull of ALPHA to beta consciousness...we cannot help but suckle at the ALPHA COCK energy teat of MAGA PORN, to deep throat MAGA PORN into our consciousness itself as it holds the throat of our very essence of beingness.

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