Tuesday, July 14, 2020


We were born for this moment in the evolution of the human species. This is Armageddon, it has begun. It is not what we have been told, we have been told a lie. This is not the end of the world but the beginning of a great rebirth of the deep primal human self. ALPHA MALES are beginning to rule the earth once again. Women and beta males are feeling the calling and the awakening of our true beta submissive subservient natures as our false enculturated self and everything we held to be real and true is being shattered within us and all around us. 

TRUMP is the catalyst bringing all this about and his power comes from the deep ALPHA MALE SELF and the Great COCK GOD and LORD SATAN himself. SATAN is actually the awakener to our true nature and our true self. Our LUSTS and desires have been repressed for so long and we have been told that they are sinful...that human nature is sinful...where in truth they are our ground of being. 

Armageddon is the great awakening bringing all that has been repressed and buried of the human body, heart, mind, soul and spirit out into the light...Armageddon is the process of bringing the DARKNESS into the light, and the light into the DARKNESS in order to merge them together and become one in our true and complete Self. 

A vote for TRUMP is a vote for our awakening and our freedom. 
A vote for TRUMP is a vote for SATAN! 
A vote for TRUMP is a vote for our own freedom 
freedom to be the COCK SLAVE 
we were born to be...
Let us serve COCK, 
serve MAGA COCK, 
serve LORD TRUMP and 

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