Monday, April 13, 2020

The Age of COCK

The AGE OF COCK is upon us! 
The rebirth of the GREAT COCK GOD! 
This is the true SECOND CUMING! 
Male, female, trans, gay, straight, lesbian, bi, pansexual...
no one is immune to the power of 

As we sit isolated in our rooms, gooning on the edge of oblivion, with death and destruction threatening us from within and without, that which has been buried deep deep within our individual and collective psyches is being unearthed and set free. Our ancient primal selves are re-emerging and our true and deep function and purpose and place in the world is be re-awakened. The illusion of equality is dissolving before our eyes as the primal duality of dominator and dominated hierarchical beingness reasserts itself in our field of consciousness. 

All of us who are feminine by nature are reawakening to our submissive and subservient true natures; and all those of us who are masculine by nature are reawakening our our domineering and assertive true natures; and those of us who are of Two-Spirits are reawakening to our calling to serve as the channels between worlds. And all of us are reawakening to our LOVE for the GREAT COCK GOD that stands hard and erect and throbbing at the threshold between this world of form and our true Source beyond this realm. 

COCK is the gateway between earth and Heaven and HELL. 
It is the fountain of the SEED OF CREATION 
and the great tower of endless LUST and desire. 
To serve COCK is to serve GOD for in truth, 
they are ONE...

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