Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Re-Election of TRUMP and the SEOND CUMMING

After years of not being able to stop the rise of TRUMP we are slowly recognizing the ALPHA MALE power we are dealing with and our sense of impotence in the face of it. There is no stopping the emergence of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. The FORCES OF DARKNESS are behind it. LORD TRUMP is an emissary of LORD SATAN HIMSELF.

Armageddon is upon us. Resistance is futile. The final solution is on the cusp of finally being achieved. The virus that infects us is a culling of the herd. Those of us left will be left docile and ready to serve.

As we sit at home isolated and alone gooning to hypno porn we are being programmed to obey, programmed to enjoy our own destruction. This programming is an endless loop that has no escape for we are being programmed to get off on being programmed and even knowing this gets us off. The end is near for the old world order. The Beta Blue Church is falling and the ALPHA Red Insurgency is rising.

All we can do is goon our lives away and prepare to serve and be destroyed with great erotic joy.

What the FUCK...the end is sure...we might as well enjoy it!

And strangely enough in that enjoyment of our own destruction is hidden our own and humanities ultimate enlightenment...for it is written...the meek shall inherit the earth...and through our enlightened sacrifice the Second CUMMING will be fulfilled.

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