Monday, April 20, 2020

The Three CAVES of the Female Body

The female body has three CAVES that may receive the Great COCK GOD and HIS SEED OF CREATION.

  • The CAVE OF TRUTH (mouth and throat) connected to the Throat (Inner Voice Center), Heart (Emotional Center) and Gut (Power Center) Chakras. Once the CAVE OF TRUTH is bred by an ALPHA COCK, the woman's voice, emotional being and willful beingness are owned by the Great COCK GOD. 
  • The CAVE OF CREATION (womb/pussy) connected to the Sacral (Passion and Pleasure Center) Chakra. Once the CAVE OF CREATION is bred by an ALPHA COCK, the woman's LUSTS and desires become attached to the Great COCK GOD and she becomes a channel for HIS LIFE FORCE and gives birth to HIS children. 
  • The CAVE OF AWAKENING (anal cavity) connected to the Root (Grounding Center), Sacral (Passion and Pleasure Center) and Gut (Power Center) Chakras. Once the CAVE OF AWAKENING is bred by an ALPHA COCK all false self-concepts are shattered and the true Deep Feminine Submissive and Subservient Self is awakened. 
NOTE: Being "bred" means that an ALPHA COCK has penetrated these CAVES to such a degree and in a certain way that transforms them into extremely erotically sensitive erogenous zones and energetic COCK SOCKETS that physiologically and energetically crave COCK

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