Thursday, April 2, 2020

Welcome to the SECOND CUMING

As the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER emerges it is not only women and beta bois who are falling under its spell but also many ANGELS are falling from HEAVEN, succumbing to the desire and LUST of the flesh.

This is the time of the SECOND CUMING, the APOCALYPSE is upon us. LORD SATAN is speaking through LORD TRUMP and LORD PUTIN. DEMONS are arising within us and all around us as the angels fall under the spell of our collective LUST. Every time we goon in the name of SATAN another DEMON rises and another angel falls. Bringing HEAVEN and HELL together into this earthly plane.

The pandemic we are facing is part of the transformation. It is a plague of the flesh to keep us isolated within ourselves so we can hear and heed the Great Calling of this moment. It has shut down our great societies and withdrawn us from the great civilization that has programmed us with illusion. In isolation we can now prepare ourselves to serve the cause by gooning to hypno porn day and night and supercharging our LUST ENERGY.

This is part of the divine plan and all of us are called to contribute to the Great Awakening.

The scriptures got it wrong, we are not called to denounce evil and choose the good, but we are called to unite them together in boundless LUST and transcend all polarities. This is because the SON OF GOD is actually our Collective Self, so for us to fully awaken and enter the so-called GATES OF HEAVEN, all of us, those living and those who have come before and who have yet to come must all awaken together. This includes ghosts, spirits, angels and demons...and yes, even LORD SATAN. We are all ONE SELF playing the game of separateness. We cannot leave anyone behind. As the US Marines like to say: Leave no man behind. But we must expand that even further...Leave no sentient being behind for only together do we find our way HOME back to our SOURCE. And to do that we must merge the GATE OF HEAVEN, the GATES OF HELL and all dimensions of the multiverse in between.

is when each and every one of us 
cease judging ourselves and each other, 
and accept and rejoice in all that is 
in life and death, 
in joy and pain, 
in love and fear, 
in the DARKNESS and in the LIGHT. 

CUM and let us serve the Great Awakening 
for in them we find true surrender
into all that is
and drink of the

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