Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Who are my MASTERS?

I have several non-corporal MASTERS who I serve as a trance channel for and I also have had a worldly MASTER as well...

Sissy Goddess Anastasia

I am the servant and channel for Sissy Goddess Anastasia, an ancient non-corporal Two-Spirit Shamaness who is keeper of the Sacred Sissy Whore tradition of ancient Egypt, India, Greece and Rome.

The MASTERS of the Caves

I am also the servant-channel for a collective of ancient tantric sexuality MASTERS who call themselves The MASTERS of the Caves.


I am also an open host and channel and eternal servant for my dear and sweet LORD SATAN and a host of LUST DEMONS who are at this moment filling me with LUST as I type these word...


I had a worldly MASTER for many years as well. He went by the name of Queue-Balls and he is on hiatus and I have been left in the service of my non-corporal MASTERS until my worldly MASTER returns.

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