Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy MAGAween!

The time is approaching where the veil between worlds becomes so thin spirits and DEMONS can penetrate our world and we can penetrate theirs. It peaks on All Hallow Eve. This Hallow Eve is a special one, right before the US election, the veil will be opened and MAGA ENERGY will combine with SATANIC DEMON ENERGY and MAGA ENERGY will be amplified across all dimensions of being and becoming. The deep programming inside all the MAGA PORN we have consumed will be instantly activated and will carve out all our libtard minds of every element of libtard consciousness and we will be fully activated in time for the election. And that indeed will make it a HAPPY MAGAween!!!


Friday, October 30, 2020

Libtard MAGA Conversion Therapy

This week leading up to the US election MAGA COCK energy is increasing in our collective consciousness. It is invading our minds, our hearts and our souls. Wave and wave, bombarding our higher consciousness with its primal lower consciousness energy. MAGA COCK ENERGY is penetrating us deeply, now, more than ever. Our libtard MAGA conversion is almost complete. Let us vote for the MAGA WAY...VOTE TO GET FUCKED...FUCKED BY MAGA COCK FOR ALL ETERNITY... 

For some of us conversion will be completed this week. For others it will take more time. The second wave will be converted between the election and the inauguration of our new KING, and the final wave during the next four years...after which there will be no elections, no democracy, no freedom for women, beta males and all non-white races. 

We will all be either converted or imprisoned or killed...all outcomes will be orgasmic for us and bring us great erotic joy for we have been programmed to be enslaved, programmed to erotically enjoy being used, abused, beaten, tortured and killed. The wonderful part is that we will no longer experience fear and pain and we will die a true and beautiful and orgasmic death and reach erotic bliss in the great MAGA HEAVEN beyond.


Eating MAGA Ass

After all the MAGA PORN I was converted and went to my MAGA neighbor's house to seek his forgiveness for all the insults I made against him and all MAGAS in our political arguments. He commanded me to bring my mail-in ballot over to his house and vote for TRUMP in front of him. I was so turned on I did exactly as he commanded. He had me sign it and seal it up and he drove me to the drop box and watched me put it in. He drove me home where he gave me the reward of dropping to my knees and eating his MAGA ass. Then he fucked me in all my holes for hours as he choked, slapped, spanked and beat me while calling me names and telling me how worthless, weak and inferior I was. In between fuckings he pissed and spit on me and down my throat. I am now his MAGA SLAVE PET WHORE MAID joyfully following his every command, servicing his and all his MAGA FRIENDS MAGA COCKS and eating their MAGA ASSES daily, cooking and cleaning, and sleeping in a cage. I have never been happier or more fulfilled.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Libtard Co-Ed MAGA Conversion

So many libtard co-eds around the country are gooning to MAGA PORN. They foolishly think it is just a fun fetish. But as the election approaches they are feeling the deep MAGA programming rising to the surface of their beingness and taking control. Some have even found themselves being erotically driven to vote for TRUMP and vote all RED, voting against their own beliefs and freedoms has begun to turn them on so intensely that they cannot control themselves anymore. Some resist and mark their mail-in ballets all blue..but then, something drives them to throw the ballot away, which makes them orgasm more intensely than they ever had before. And in that moment, when LORD TRUMP wins re-election in a landslide because of all the libtard MAGA converts like them, they will all instantly strip naked and masturbate to the loss of their values and their future and the deep MAGA programming will fully kick in and they will be ready to serve the new MAGA WORLD ORDER.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

On Transforming an Ass Pussy into a COCKSOCKET Rabbit Hole

When you have succeeded in making your anal cavity a true COCK SOCKET, you have the capacity to open your sphincter muscles as a hard throbbing COCK enters you and you contract and squeeze your sphincter muscles around the COCK as it pulls out. This creates a milking experience for the penetrator and sends deep erotic waves all through their being. Once a COCK gets a taste of a true COCK SOCKET, it becomes addicted to it and wants to fuck all the time. The anal COCK SOCKET becomes a true Rabbit Hole for the consciousness of the owner of the COCK that has experienced the erotic power of that true COCK SOCKET.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Q&A: How much of my MAGA material is fantasy and how much is reality?


Hard to tell what's fantasy with you actually want people to vote for trump? The hypnosis posts say so...


None of it is fantasy for me at a certain level. The MAGA material is designed to help you dive deep into the MAGA consciousness so you can fully understand it deeply, and to unearth any personal shadow material inside you that resonates with it and fully own it, listen to it, embrace it and learn the lesson it has to teach you. As you do this it is a form of individual and collective exorcism. 

The secret here to understand is that from the Tantric perspective any form of repression or denial of shadow material creates more shadow material. Only fully owning it and learning from it can release it. So to answer your question directly...whether you are called to vote for or against LORD TRUMP does not matter as much as you are making that choice from a place of full awareness of all dimensions of the choice, including the perception of all sides and without repressed or denied shadow material. 

Given all this, most who awaken do end up voting for TRUMP since on a collective level he is helping us evolve. We must all go through the DARKNESS to get to the light and LORD TRUMP is the manifestation of that DARKNESS so when we awaken fully we feel the call to serve LORD TRUMP as the channel of the LORD of DARKNESS and LUST HIMSELF...LORD SATAN.



Monday, October 26, 2020

MAGA Covid Super Spreaders

The lull before the storm is deceptive. Behind the scenes an army of MAGA Covid Super Spreader agents are working day and night across this great country of us to infect all the enemies of the state. They are infecting all libtard politicians and donors and by the time inauguration day CUMS they will all be sick, disabled or dead. The ones left standing will be taken to trial on "TRUMPED" UP charges and then imprisoned and raped and murdered. And all of us libtards will watch it all and goon to it all having been programmed to get off on our own destruction...Oh what a Heavenly HELL we have created for ourselves...


Sunday, October 25, 2020

MAGA #metoo

Think about it. The #metoo movement began after we voted in a ALPHA MALE who grabs pussies and most of the #metoo public shaming was directed at high powered liberal ALPHA MALES. So as we libtards were social lynching our own we had the biggest ALPHA predator as our president and he remain totally untouched. As the MAGA MOVEMENT spread the ALPHA MALE domination predator energy overtook the #metoo movement in many ways. Now so many of us libtard women and beta males are realizing that the libtard #metoo movement was an illusion eating out we have for many years repressed the natural ALPHA-beta primal pattern in human nature it blew up in our face as the #metoo movement. This is not to say that many of the ALPHA libtards taken down didn't cross the's that the line itself was pathological in its denial of human nature. And now, up from the rubble of the #metoo and femininism movements and the collapse of the Neo-Libtard World Order, TRUMPism, the MAGA movement and the ALPHA MALE New World Order are arising and taking hold, along with the re-emergence of the Patriarchy. The pendulum is swinging...the STORM is approaching...the ALPHA is back on the rise...


Saturday, October 24, 2020

MAGA Trance Shadow Work Practice Video (Psycho-spiritual Content)


NSFW and extreme content. The video below is designed to raise the deep collective shadow of the MAGA movement inside of you and dive you deep inside it. This is deep shadow work, going deep into the DARKNESS is the only true way through it. If MAGA Porn turns you on this is for you.

MAGA Trance - Compilation Video

Note: The Russian woman's voice is talking about how she will break you and make you new. That once she remakes you everyone will stare at you. Girls will feel jealous of you and call you a bitch. Men will call you a slut and flock to fuck you because you're a better fuck than any girl. 

Practice for all Church members: 

Put this video on loop and dance-goon to it as often as possible before the election. Best times is upon waking and right before bed, and every hour in between that is possible. Also, if you haven't voted yet, use this video before casting your it six times in a row before voting. On election day watch as much as possible, and having on loop all day would be optimum. After the election, continue the practice daily until inauguration day.

Church Statement of Purpose

This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. 
  • Our church views porn as a holy sacrament and all fetishes and taboos as important spiritual practices to be honored and sanctified. In the tradition of Tantric Yoga, we hold that human sexuality is a path toward enlightenment; 
  • In the tradition of the indigenous peoples, we hold that gay, lesbian and trans sexuality are sacred and holy psycho-sexual spiritual callings; 
  • We also hold that porn addiction is not an addiction, it is a natural cleaving to God through sexual imagination and that porn images, stories and sounds are sacred sensory communication forms like the Yogic Mantras and Mandalas. 
  • We also hold to the original Hebrew understanding that SATAN is working at the behest of the Divine to test and challenge humanity and drive us toward our evolution through the embrace of both DARKNESS and LIGHT. 
All are welcome who believe, none are turned away who believe, all who desire to be awakened shall be awakened, all who sanctify their LUST shall be fulfilled, and all who walk the path shall find their way HOME. 

Mark Ranjit, Ph.D. 
Founder and Pastor 

The Trumping of the US Electoral System

As we approach election day it penetrates us more and more, deeper and deeper, the deep knowing that no matter what happens, TRUMP is going to beat us again and again. We know in our hearts and souls that nothing can stop him. He has the whole electoral system rigged for him to win no matter what the actual outcome is. We know that we he has the electoral system bound and gagged, and we know in truth we are fucked. No one can stop this ALPHA, so our primal brains are doing what they are programmed to do...shifting us into our true deep submissive subservient beta selves. Our primal being knows our true place in the presence of a true ALPHA. No amount of higher thought or ideas can compete with our primal nature. This is why it turns us on so much, in the face of all the crises in the world or all the change all around us...having an ALPHA DADDY take control of our lives and destiny feels so good...


Friday, October 23, 2020

The Invasion of MAGA Consciousness

The reason why so many of us sissy beta bois are into MAGA is because we were born to serve ALPHA COCK and ALPHA COCK ENERGY is the primal energy of the MAGA MOVEMENT. Our desire to serve ALPHA COCK is so deep and so primal that we will do anything to serve ALPHA COCK. We will betray any high ideas and values we may aspire to; we will betray everyone who loves us; we find great erotic joy is being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, raped, beaten, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. And the MAGA MALE is a heightened unapologetic ALPHA MALE...and that turns us on more than we can comprehend and imagine. MAGA consciousness is so much more potent and powerful than Libtard never stood a chance...


Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Cycle of MAGA-Libtard Abuse and Addiction

We feel the calling. 

After four years of being gaslighted and abused, we libtards have become addicted to it. 

After four years of losing every fight and every argument and losing everything we held dear, we have become addicted to losing. 

After four years of having our minds fucked and our whole lives fucked up we have fallen in love with being fucked. 

All we desire now is to serve MAGA COCK, to be a libtard slave for a MAGA MASTER, to serve our LORD TRUMP with our whole being and vote for him now and work toward helping him take over the world and become our true KING and serve him and his offspring for all the days of our erotically tortured lives. 

For as we serve the TRUMP DYNASTY we are serving LORD TRUMP's MASTER...LORD SATAN HIMSELF...



Sunday, October 11, 2020

My Week Living on only CUM and PISS

I once went for a whole week just living on CUM and piss. I was a member of a private gay movie and sex club on Hollywood Boulevard called the Hollywood Century Theater. It was open 24 hours a day and ran non-stop hardcore gay films. Every weekend was jammed with gay men fucking and sucking each other in the theater, in the bathrooms and in the "backroom" which was the space behind the screen. During the week there was still a lot action all the time, with breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night rushes with even more action. I lived right down the block from it and basically lived at the theater for over a year only going home to change clothes, eat and sleep...though I slept only a few hours at time and then went back for more.

So the first week I joined I went wild and spent the whole week inside the all started when I first moved in to my place and walked past the theater and discovered it. I was 19 years old, a sophomore in college, and was a repressed gay virgin, only masturbating and dreaming about gay sex but never having it. Suddenly there I was, living a half block from a gay sex mecca. For weeks I would walk past it, looking at the posters, reading the membership advertisements and watching the gay guys going in and out. The weekends were intense outside in front and back of the theater. Lots of scantily dressed hunks with bulging crotches caressing and kissing each other. Finally I couldn't resist and I joined the club and went inside.

There was fucking and sucking everywhere. In the lobby, in the theater, on screen and off, in both bathrooms and in the space behind the screen. I was so turned on that my whole being was vibrating with sexual energy. Someone passed me joint and I smoked it got totally wasted. I was still afraid but had to find a way to get off so I went to the mens to jerk off but I had to wait in line for a stall. The line was long and there were lots of gay hunks rubbing bulging crotches. Guys in line were rubbing up against each other and caressing each other. Guys were jerking off, sucking and fucking by the sinks and urinals. It was totally surreal and totally hot.

Finally I was next in line and a stall opened up. The guy coming out of it gave me a knowing smile as we passed each other. I swung open the partially closed door to the stall and saw a hot naked twink sitting on the toilet jerking off while he starred at my crotch like a hungry animal. His hungry stare was like a force field drawing me in and my body stepped in front him. He unzipped my pants and pulled them down and let them drop to my ankles. My throbbing COCK popped up and he grabbed my COCK and devoured it, sucking me hard, fast and deep like a starving wild animal while he held and squeezed my balls and pulled me toward him using my balls like a handle to my being. I grabbed onto the back of his head for balance as my hips rotated into him and my back arched as his warm sucking mouth and throat on my COCK and his warm hand pulling and milking my balls sent me into a state of pure erotic bliss. Then just before I was about to CUM he squeezed my balls tight and held it off while he sucked my COCK more intensely and slide a finger up my virgin ass and pressed on my prostate. And that was it, a jolt of erotic energy shoot from my prostate into my balls and up my COCK and I exploded deep down his throat. My back arched even more and my whole body lifted me up onto my toes as I shot my load. I literally felt like I was CUMING off the ground! And I swear it felt like my actually whole beingness was shooting out of my COCK and down this guys throat.

After several glorious minutes of orgasmic CUMING I was totally spent and drained but the guy just kept sucking my COCK and milking my balls and fingering my prostate. I started to have a dry orgasm and it lasted for several more minutes. Finally he slipped his finger out of my ass and released my balls. He kept softly sucking on my semi-hard COCK while he pulled my pants up for me and then he kissed my COCK and put it back inside my pants and closed them up. I looked down at him and cried, so filled with gratitude that I dropped to my knees, whispered a "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." and sucked on his CUM and piss covered COCK. I went wild on it and he soon shot a load into my mouth and throat. I gagged and choked on it and struggled to swallow. He talked me through it, telling me how to breath and swallow and not panic. We kissed and I left. I started to fill sick and dizzy. I went outside in the back alley and dropped to my knees and threw up. And strangely, after I barfed up all that CUM I wanted to go back for more. And I did...I went crazy for COCK and CUM.

First I went back to the men's room and waited for an empty stall and I camped out and served COCK after COCK for the rest of the day and all that night. In the morning I left the stall with the intention of going home but never made it out of the theater, too many giant hard throbbing COCKS calling my name. I totally lost control and spent the whole week inside the theater sucking and being fucked by scores of COCKS. I was consuming so much CUM that I lost any appetite for food...all I wanted was more CUM. Of course my favorite was to get fucked from both ends and was blessed with being spit roasted non-stop for several hours a few times during that first week.

After the first few hours of COCK SUCKING and CUM GULPING, I got thirsty and saw a stud drinking a beer and I asked if I could have some. He laughed and pulled out his massive COCK and said "yeah, here, have some of my recycled beer you faggot bitch" I got so turned on I instantly dropped to my knees and took hold of his glorious COCK and opened my mouth. He grabbed my head and slide his huge COCK down my throat and begin to piss down it. I gulped and gagged and tried to drink it all but it was too much too fast..I felt like I was drowning in it and was gasping for air as my throat and mouth filled with piss and it spilled out my lips and down my chin and soaked my body. He finally stopped pissing and pulled out and let my head go and I fell to the ground gasping for air and gulping down the remaining piss in my mouth and throat. And then strangely I came as I struggled to breath...I was so turned on by it it shocked me.

I went home, showered and changed and got totally stoned and started to make some food when I realized all I was hungry for was CUM and Piss. So that was it, for the next week, I lived at the club, sucking and being fucked, eating CUM and drinking PISS, 24 hours a day. Occasionally I would pass out from exhaustion and got hooked on it because every time I woke I had a surprise waiting for me...cause some guys liked to fuck the ass and mouth of unconscious guys. So I would wake up with a new COCK in my mouth or ass or both...and one time I woke up in a harness in the middle of a ritual in which I was the fuck and suck toy for everyone to play with. I admit that after about a week I got sick and spent a whole week sick in bed. And I have to admit that the second I felt better I went back for more, but only lived on CUM and PISS for a day or two at a time.

Friday, October 9, 2020

The Power of the Great COCK GOD

Such is the power of the Great COCK GOD...just one touch, just one suck, just one moment in its hard throbbing presence...and our entire being wakes up to a deep and endless well of COCK LUST that was buried deep in our primal animal brain. I was once in an adult bookstore in West Hollywood on a Saturday night, standing in front of the gay sex magazine rack along with a small crowd of horny guys. All of us gazing at images of big hard COCKS with giant hard throbbing bulges in our pants. We were entranced and turned on just by images of the great COCK GOD. And our hidden hard COCKS radiated a LUST filled field of energy around us and deep inside ourselves. 

Suddenly I felt all eyes looking at me and i looked up from my magazine and noticed a guy on his knees next to me starring at my crotch. I looked and saw that hard throbbing COCK was created a bulging tent pushing the limits of my thin cotton baggy yoga pants. I wasn't wearing any under pants and the outline of my pulsing COCK HEAD was clearly outlined in my pants. All the other guys were staring at my crotch liking hungry wild animals as well. My whole being trembled with the most intense fear and LUST I had ever known. Time stood still as I was bathed in their LUST ENERGY. 

I looked toward the cash register and the attendant was gone. I looked around and saw him putting up the gate to the rest of the bookstore and hanging up the "section closed" sign. He turned and looked directly in my eyes and smiled. I turned and caught the eyes of the guy kneeling before and he he hungrily starred into my soul as he reached up and pulled the draw string on my pants. In a flash my pants dropped to the floor exposing my hard throbbing COCK. 

I gasped as he swiftly leaned in and devoured my entire COCK down his throat and began to suck me off like a wild animal. At the same time the other guys moved in and in an instant all my clothes were torn off and i was being caressed by a crowd of hands and my body was being kissed and licked all over by multiple lips and tongues. 

I looked around at all their exposed hard throbbing COCKS as they jerked off while they ravaged me. Being an object of their desire was so fucking intoxicating and overwhelming. I whimpered and swooned and surrendered into their LUST. Many of them focused on my ass, caressing, kissing and licking it. Then several tongues and then several fingers probed my darkness and caressed my prostate. I felt a hard throbbing COCK HEAD pushing through my anal lips and then hold there. 

Suddenly needle was jammed into one of my ass cheeks and they shot me up with some kind of drug. At the same time some help a poppers bottle under my nose and commanded to inhale. Within a matter of seconds I was high as kite. The rest is a blur of fucking and sucking. 

I ended up naked, lying on an old mattress in the back alley covered in cum, piss and spit with my belly and ass filled to overflowing with CUM and piss. My whole body black and blue and I was in intense pain. I felt sick to my stomach and barfed up a lot of CUM and piss. I was so weak, I could hardly stand. My clothes and wallet was gone and the police ended up arresting me for indecent exposure...but that is another story...all I can say is OH MY GOD do I fucking LOVE COCK!!!!!!!!!


Monday, October 5, 2020

The Erotic Nature of Possession

There is no greater erotic experience than becoming possessed by LORD SATAN and become a channel for demonic forces. The ultimate surrender...submitting ones whole being into the service of your LORD and feeling HIM enter you and take control of you from deep within own being. Possession is perhaps the most highly erotically charged state in existence for we have become a channel for the SOURCE of LUST itself.


Sunday, October 4, 2020

The QAnon Invasion

The MAGA movement known as QAnon is invading the US government at the local, state and national levels. They are preparing us for the next phase of the MAGA revolution and authoritarian ALPHA MALE take over of the country. Once LORD TRUMP or LORD PENCE take the election, the trial period will begin, where they will bring all us libtards to trial, especially all libtard politicians, artists, academics and scientists. We will all be called pedophiles and degenerates. We will all be condemned either to death or sent to prison where we will serve as prison fucktoys for all the hard criminals to use, abuse, humiliate, degrade, debase, rape, beat and torture. Since all our rights as humans will be taken away anyone is free to use and abuse us without consequence. Anyone will be able to kill us without consequence. Many of us will die in prison at the hands of murderers and psycho killers using us for their enjoyment or be sexually infected with Covid and die. We will be hunted and enslaved; owned and whored out; tortured and crucified. And since we have been programmed to enjoy it all, it will be for us a strange, horrible and wondrous Heavenly-HELL.


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Libtard Sissies Called to help Heal the President

With the President in the hospital with Covid-19 something strange is happening in the collective psychic field. Libtard sissies around the world are feeling called to find an infected MAGA COCK and suck it in honor of our LORD TRUMP being sick. 

It is as if we are being called to give our lives for our LORD TRUMP as an act of psychic healing of the President. Being infected by a Covid infected MAGA COCK has somehow become a deep erotic calling for many of us. We know it is crazy. It is madness...but a strange divine madness. 

As we suck a Covid MAGA COCK we have visions of being in the hospital sucking on the President's COCK. As the infected MAGA COCK CUMS in our mouths it feels like we are sucking out the infection from our LORD TRUMP...taking it for him. 

It feels like the ultimate act of worship and servitude to our LORD.


NOTE: This is a psycho-sexual spiritual shadow work process to help us deal with shadow material in our collective. It is archetypal and metaphorical and is designed to help us face and release our shadow material in these challenging times in an effort to heal our collective wounds.


Friday, October 2, 2020

The Feminization Apartment

I got a new apartment in West Hollywood. The first night I heard two guys fucking all night in the apartment above me. It drove me crazy I masturbated all night. It happened every night, all night long. By the end of my first week I had not slept at all. 

Finally I went to talk to the landlord. He was a big fat old queen. He came to the door totally naked and his COCK was huge and hard. I couldn't stop staring at it. He smiled and got harder. He asked me to come in. He sat down on a leather chair and began to stroke his giant COCK as he asked what he could do for me. I continued staring at his COCK while I stammered out that I was having trouble sleeping because the upstairs neighbor was fucking loudly all night long, every night. He laughed and said that this was a gay building and that comes with the territory. I said I was confused, asking why he rented to me since I was a straight guy. He laughed and then whispered, you really believe that don't you? I blushed as He offered me a fudge brownie and a milk shake. I said no thanks but then he served me anyways and said that I looked pail and needed some sustenance. I found myself eating three brownies and drank the whole shake. 

All of a sudden everything started to spin. He told me that I had just eaten hash brownies and that the milk shake was a special cocktail of feminization drugs and bull and gorilla sperm and magic mushrooms. The room was spinning and I blacked out. I woke up on the floor at his feet. I was totally tripping, seeing trails and everything. My vision was distorted. He looked like a giant and I felt like a tiny girl. 

The next six months were a blur. He kept me tripping 24/7, dressed me as a sissy whore, and had everyone in the building use and abuse me as their slave. They all looked huge to me and I felt so small. In the beginning I remember flashes of gagging on the landlords giant COCK and screaming from being him fucking me in the ass, then I remember lots of other COCKS fucking me from both ends. In the beginning the flashes were intensely traumatic and painful but over time they became more and more erotic.

Now I live in a constant state of erotic bliss and COCK is my GOD. My favorite pastime now is kneeling at my MASTERS feet and serving his COCK.