Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Cycle of MAGA-Libtard Abuse and Addiction

We feel the calling. 

After four years of being gaslighted and abused, we libtards have become addicted to it. 

After four years of losing every fight and every argument and losing everything we held dear, we have become addicted to losing. 

After four years of having our minds fucked and our whole lives fucked up we have fallen in love with being fucked. 

All we desire now is to serve MAGA COCK, to be a libtard slave for a MAGA MASTER, to serve our LORD TRUMP with our whole being and vote for him now and work toward helping him take over the world and become our true KING and serve him and his offspring for all the days of our erotically tortured lives. 

For as we serve the TRUMP DYNASTY we are serving LORD TRUMP's MASTER...LORD SATAN HIMSELF...



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