Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Q&A: How much of my MAGA material is fantasy and how much is reality?


Hard to tell what's fantasy with you...do you actually want people to vote for trump? The hypnosis posts say so...


None of it is fantasy for me at a certain level. The MAGA material is designed to help you dive deep into the MAGA consciousness so you can fully understand it deeply, and to unearth any personal shadow material inside you that resonates with it and fully own it, listen to it, embrace it and learn the lesson it has to teach you. As you do this it is a form of individual and collective exorcism. 

The secret here to understand is that from the Tantric perspective any form of repression or denial of shadow material creates more shadow material. Only fully owning it and learning from it can release it. So to answer your question directly...whether you are called to vote for or against LORD TRUMP does not matter as much as you are making that choice from a place of full awareness of all dimensions of the choice, including the perception of all sides and without repressed or denied shadow material. 

Given all this, most who awaken do end up voting for TRUMP since on a collective level he is helping us evolve. We must all go through the DARKNESS to get to the light and LORD TRUMP is the manifestation of that DARKNESS so when we awaken fully we feel the call to serve LORD TRUMP as the channel of the LORD of DARKNESS and LUST HIMSELF...LORD SATAN.



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