Thursday, October 29, 2020

Libtard Co-Ed MAGA Conversion

So many libtard co-eds around the country are gooning to MAGA PORN. They foolishly think it is just a fun fetish. But as the election approaches they are feeling the deep MAGA programming rising to the surface of their beingness and taking control. Some have even found themselves being erotically driven to vote for TRUMP and vote all RED, voting against their own beliefs and freedoms has begun to turn them on so intensely that they cannot control themselves anymore. Some resist and mark their mail-in ballets all blue..but then, something drives them to throw the ballot away, which makes them orgasm more intensely than they ever had before. And in that moment, when LORD TRUMP wins re-election in a landslide because of all the libtard MAGA converts like them, they will all instantly strip naked and masturbate to the loss of their values and their future and the deep MAGA programming will fully kick in and they will be ready to serve the new MAGA WORLD ORDER.


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