Friday, October 30, 2020

Libtard MAGA Conversion Therapy

This week leading up to the US election MAGA COCK energy is increasing in our collective consciousness. It is invading our minds, our hearts and our souls. Wave and wave, bombarding our higher consciousness with its primal lower consciousness energy. MAGA COCK ENERGY is penetrating us deeply, now, more than ever. Our libtard MAGA conversion is almost complete. Let us vote for the MAGA WAY...VOTE TO GET FUCKED...FUCKED BY MAGA COCK FOR ALL ETERNITY... 

For some of us conversion will be completed this week. For others it will take more time. The second wave will be converted between the election and the inauguration of our new KING, and the final wave during the next four years...after which there will be no elections, no democracy, no freedom for women, beta males and all non-white races. 

We will all be either converted or imprisoned or killed...all outcomes will be orgasmic for us and bring us great erotic joy for we have been programmed to be enslaved, programmed to erotically enjoy being used, abused, beaten, tortured and killed. The wonderful part is that we will no longer experience fear and pain and we will die a true and beautiful and orgasmic death and reach erotic bliss in the great MAGA HEAVEN beyond.


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