Saturday, October 3, 2020

Libtard Sissies Called to help Heal the President

With the President in the hospital with Covid-19 something strange is happening in the collective psychic field. Libtard sissies around the world are feeling called to find an infected MAGA COCK and suck it in honor of our LORD TRUMP being sick. 

It is as if we are being called to give our lives for our LORD TRUMP as an act of psychic healing of the President. Being infected by a Covid infected MAGA COCK has somehow become a deep erotic calling for many of us. We know it is crazy. It is madness...but a strange divine madness. 

As we suck a Covid MAGA COCK we have visions of being in the hospital sucking on the President's COCK. As the infected MAGA COCK CUMS in our mouths it feels like we are sucking out the infection from our LORD TRUMP...taking it for him. 

It feels like the ultimate act of worship and servitude to our LORD.


NOTE: This is a psycho-sexual spiritual shadow work process to help us deal with shadow material in our collective. It is archetypal and metaphorical and is designed to help us face and release our shadow material in these challenging times in an effort to heal our collective wounds.


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