Sunday, October 25, 2020

MAGA #metoo

Think about it. The #metoo movement began after we voted in a ALPHA MALE who grabs pussies and most of the #metoo public shaming was directed at high powered liberal ALPHA MALES. So as we libtards were social lynching our own we had the biggest ALPHA predator as our president and he remain totally untouched. As the MAGA MOVEMENT spread the ALPHA MALE domination predator energy overtook the #metoo movement in many ways. Now so many of us libtard women and beta males are realizing that the libtard #metoo movement was an illusion eating out we have for many years repressed the natural ALPHA-beta primal pattern in human nature it blew up in our face as the #metoo movement. This is not to say that many of the ALPHA libtards taken down didn't cross the's that the line itself was pathological in its denial of human nature. And now, up from the rubble of the #metoo and femininism movements and the collapse of the Neo-Libtard World Order, TRUMPism, the MAGA movement and the ALPHA MALE New World Order are arising and taking hold, along with the re-emergence of the Patriarchy. The pendulum is swinging...the STORM is approaching...the ALPHA is back on the rise...


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