Sunday, October 4, 2020

The QAnon Invasion

The MAGA movement known as QAnon is invading the US government at the local, state and national levels. They are preparing us for the next phase of the MAGA revolution and authoritarian ALPHA MALE take over of the country. Once LORD TRUMP or LORD PENCE take the election, the trial period will begin, where they will bring all us libtards to trial, especially all libtard politicians, artists, academics and scientists. We will all be called pedophiles and degenerates. We will all be condemned either to death or sent to prison where we will serve as prison fucktoys for all the hard criminals to use, abuse, humiliate, degrade, debase, rape, beat and torture. Since all our rights as humans will be taken away anyone is free to use and abuse us without consequence. Anyone will be able to kill us without consequence. Many of us will die in prison at the hands of murderers and psycho killers using us for their enjoyment or be sexually infected with Covid and die. We will be hunted and enslaved; owned and whored out; tortured and crucified. And since we have been programmed to enjoy it all, it will be for us a strange, horrible and wondrous Heavenly-HELL.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my Satan! This is such a sexy vision. I'd like to discuss your church with you. Would you email me at dirgros @ protonmail . com
