Sunday, August 30, 2020

MAGA Corruption Between Friends

A female friend of mine and I were housemates and she would always tell me about her sexual exploits. She was into TRUMP, MAGA and BDSM and had a MAGA MASTER that she obeyed. She always talked about how her MASTER raped her at a TRUMP rally she was protesting and had corrupted her and how great it was, and how he had enslaved her and turned her into his MAGA whore, and how she loved serving MAGA COCK. She would slowly corrupt her friends by subtly gaslighting them to the point of being ready for her MAGA MASTER to do the final steps and turn them into MAGA Slaves. The stories of her exploits really turned me on and many times I would actually see the process in person when she would bring her female friends home and corrupt their minds. She was a true artist at it. And even sometimes she would bring home one of her MAGA MEN that she was serving by her MASTERS command and they would have sex out in the open and walk around naked all the time. 

I started to fantasize that I was one of her girlfriends that she was corrupting. Strangely at the same time I started getting all these spam porn emails from MAGA porn and BDSM for sissies websites and I got really into MAGA sissy hypno porn and poppers and pot and was gooning night and day. I started to notice my body changing, my breasts were growing and my whole body was becoming more feminine and shapely every day. The hair on my head was growing faster and silkier and the hair on the rest of my body was disappearing. At first I freaked out and my first thought was that my housemate was corrupting me like she was doing to her female friends. 

After a few days of silently freaking out I finally confronted her and she laughed and admitted that she was corrupting me from the start by giving me hormone treatments in the smoothies she made for me every day since I had moved in. She told me she always made too much and I was doing her a favor by helping her drink it up. And it was delicious. She also told me how she sent me all those porn spam emails and how she used NLP and various other gaslighting techniques to corrupt my mind a transform me into a sissy slave pet whore for her MAGA MASTER. 

Then suddenly she snapped her fingers and I instantly dropped to my knees and prostated myself before her. I was so turned and my body was moving without my conscious effort like someone or something else was in control of me. She laughed and asked who I was voting for for president. Without any conscious thought the words I WILL VOTE FOR LORD AND MASTER TRUMP came out of my mouth as though someone else was speaking them through me. She patted me on the head and said I that I was finally ready to meet her MASTER. I panted like an excited puppy and knew I was a total goner...

Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Nature of BLOOD LUST

I finally understand the notion of BLOOD LUST and the subtle undercurrents leading up to war and genocide. These are times when the LUST DEMONS are rising in our collective consciousness because humanity has repressed itself to a point that it opens the GATES OF HELL inside a large percentage of the population. For repression and denial and cognitive dissonance lead to an increase in the intensity of the Human Shadow. And a deepening of the shadow opens the pathway to DARKNESS...a pathway that is both inside the individual and inside the collective itself. 

More and more of us yearn to be possessed by these DEMONS for they bring with them great erotic pleasure and bliss. But that erotic pleasure and bliss is not limited to special experiences of pleasure and bliss, it transforms us into LUST filled primal beings who get great erotic pleasure and bliss from both pleasure and pain, from abuse and torture, from love and hate, and who find freedom in slavery, power in servitude, and great joy in great suffering. 

And during these DARK TIMES, some of us cross the threshold from being a host to just LUST DEMONS to being a host for BLOODLUST DEMONS themselves. These BLOODLUST DEMONS get off on even more extreme violence as both perpetrator and as victim. When enough of them rise up into the collective consciousness of humanity that is when we see the rise of hatred and prejudice and fascism and violence at both the individual and collective levels. 

What we fail to realize is that at its heart violence, hatred and abuse are sexual experiences for those who are possessed of the DEMONS OF BLOODLUST.,,and all of this arises from the repression of our true selves and nature. Then when we suppress the LUST and BLOOLUST that arises from this repression we are magnifying the DARKNESS and unleashing it into the world of form.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The DARK SOUL of America

We Libtards live in our own illusory reality bubbles outside the natural order. We believe that we are the majority. But when we look underneath the surface of our illusions we discover that the shadows within us individually and collectively are much greater than we ever imagined. So much has been disowned, repressed and distorted that the DARKNESS has grown to immense proportions. 

When we surf the web we are only surfing on the surface of what is real. Beneath that surface lives the MAGA DARK WEB...seething with great fears, hatred, vengeance, LUST and desire. We cannot move forward until we face the DARKNESS fully and completely. 

During the next few months we shall see the shadows rising on the streets and feel the shadows deepening in our hearts. 

We will be lost to all that was, unsure of all that is and hopeless about all that could be. 

Let us dive into the shadows with wild abandon and drench ourselves in deep oceans of LUST. 

Let us own the DARKNESS and let the DARKNESS own us...

Let us become the DARKNESS and let the DARKNESS become us. 

Only when we become one with the DARKNESS can we become one with the LIGHT.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Final Push


Deep down we feel it CUMING...from now until election we will enter an extreme gaslighting phase of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER transition. While the Libtard media will be giving us hope after hope, LORD TRUMP and his MAGA forces will be bombarding us from all directions, destroying every hope we have the instant we feel it. 

By the time we reach election day we will be totally enslaved in heart and mind and completely under the spell of the Great Disrupter, our new GOD, LORD TRUMP. 

Our entire being will be yearning to be fucked by him and by all his MAGA forces. In our hearts we will kneel before him naked and prostate ourselves at his feet and raise our asses and offer our holes as good little Libtard female bitches and beta bois. 

We will vote for our LORD TRUMP and vote RED up and down the ballot and erotically rejoice that we have voted our freedom and our lives away. 

The Great Madness is upon and deep within us. This is a Holy Madness born in the bowels of HELL, for this is Armageddon, the Great DARKNESS before the Second CUMMING and the Great Awakening. 

Let us surrender into it and be destroyed by it and then let us be reborn into our True Self.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Preparing us to Lose

As the election nears the last four years are solidifying in our consciousness. After having thousands of TRUMP Tweets denigrating all that we valued, weekly executive orders dismantling our reality, his MAGA ARMY infiltrating all corners of government and corrupting the very foundations of our democracy, and wave after wave of erotic madness fucking our minds from MAGA PORN...we are now primed and ready to vote against our selves and our future and serve our new MASTER, LORD TRUMP and all MAGA COCKS. You feel it don't you. A strange force drawing you in, turning you on, destroying everything you hold dear, and calling you to VOTE FOR TRUMP...while part of you is horrified by it and part of you is erotically stimulated by feel lost and found all at once...

Sunday, August 23, 2020

I am not a Prophet


Just to be clear, I make no claims to being some kind of prophet. For those of you touched by my work either negatively or positively know that my intention is to be of service and act as a channel between the non-corporal entities that speak through me to you. I am not a Goddess but I do channel a voice that claims to be one. I have entities visit me who claim to be LUST DEMONS and one who claims to be LORD SATAN. I have channeled them for years and for myself, I believe them and can feel their essence. But perhaps I am deluded. There is always the need to discern what is true from what is false.

You can usually tell a voice is not who it says it is if they attempt to isolate you from other voices inside yourself or that of others. The false voices will tend to claim that they are the one and only savior or devil or prophet, etc. These are all signs of a voice that is attempting to manipulate us somehow.

If we are attempting to become a channel for LUST DEMONS and LORD SATAN, we must be very careful and understand that there are many different spirits who claim to be these entities. There is also three distinct forms of DEMONIC FORCES at play within our collective unconscious. These are the Pagan, Hebraic and Christian forms of SATAN and HIS HOST of DEMONS. I follow the Hebraic forms of LORD SATAN and the DEMONS OF LUST. Many who follow the Christian form of Satanism perceive the other paths as false. Whereas my path perceives all paths as manifestations of the same Source, each with its own gifts and challenges.

In the end we each have to discern for ourselves, which path and which voices to follow. If my work resonates with you in a positive way that is beautiful, if not I honor that as well. We all have our path to follow. Blessings to us all on the way...

Oh, and by the way, the MAGA material is designed to help us release unowned fears and projections and repressed sexual energies and primal wounds around what is happening in the world right now.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The CUMING of the End Times

It started in 2016. The day after LORD TRUMP was elected as the new president of the United States, thousands of white supremacists were sent out across the country in secret. Their mission was to infect as many libtards and minorities as possible with a nano virus created in the Nazi labs of South America. They used special rings on their fingers that had nano needles in them so that when they shook someones hand the nano virus went inside their system. They had three years to infect as many of us as possible. During this time LORD TRUMP gaslighted us, social media and porn reprogrammed us and his MAGA forces also infiltrated all areas of government and began corrupting the system, including dismantled our governments pandemic response system. 

Then in 2019 the lab-created Covid-19 virus was released in China by undercover agents working for the President. The virus was designed to spread around the world and when it got to the American shores it would act as a trigger for the nano virus already infecting millions of libtards and minorities. Then LORD TRUMP made sure that as many of us got infected by the Covid virus as possible to trigger our nano virus, by diverting safety products like masks, disinfectants, etc to FEMA warehouses and sending out his MAGA forces to protest social isolation efforts. 

Next MAGA members of the police murdered a black man on video and leaked the video online to create protests and bring people out of social isolation and into the streets. Undercover MAGA agents infiltrated the protests and damaged property and triggered violence. As this spread President LORD TRUMP used it to send in his newly established secret police into libtard states and cities to begin the authoritarian takeover. 

By the time this happened we were already so deeply gaslighted and programmed by social media and porn that it was all turning us on. Millions of us libtards are now gooning to the thought of voting for LORD TRUMP in 2020 and getting off on visions of losing our freedoms and equal rights, and becoming enslaved and used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured and ultimately destroyed. The plan is working perfectly. 

The great Libtard Genocide of 2020 has begun. LORD TRUMP is making sure we cannot mail in vote and he is reducing the number of voting sites in order to infect even more of us. Then once we vote our rights and freedoms away, those of us left alive will be rounded up and enslaved and tortured and sold in slave markets. New laws will be passed allowing anyone to do anything they want to us including torture and kill us. And knowing all this deep in our being we still cannot stop it from turns us on too much...we are trapped and we love it... 

The powers behind LORD TRUMP are vast and deep. It is the power of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, the rebirth of the patriarchy, and the CUMING of Armageddon...for in truth LORD TRUMP is the Anti-Christ and it is LORD SATAN behind it all. That is why nothing can stop it from happening. That is why we are doomed. And that is why we are saved as well. The Last Judgement and the Final Solution is upon us...


NOTE: This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit:

Thursday, August 20, 2020

TRUMP, USPS and the Beginning of the End of Democracy


It is happening right now. LORD TRUMP has ordered his MAGA ARMY to dismantle the US Post Office to corrupt the mail in ballot system. While congress is on break the MAGA ARMY is quietly taking away mail boxes from the streets of all the blue and swing states and destroying all the high speed mail sorting machines. So by the time congress returns the Post Office will be gone and the election will be won. 

We libtards watch all this with anger and horror that soon turns into great sorrow when we realize there is no stopping TRUMP. He is too powerful and too viscous for any of us libtard sjw's to fight back without destroying our values and our souls in the process. 

So in the DARK of night we goon to it all, having been gaslighted and reprogrammed by LORD TRUMP for close to four years, we are lost in our own madness and our own impotence to stop any of it becomes erotically all we can do is impotently attack TRUMP during the light of day and goon to him destroying us in the DARKNESS of the night...until that DARKNESS becomes the day itself and we become enslaved to LORD TRUMP and he becomes our GOD.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sissies are Natural HOSTS for LUST DEMONS


As Two Spirit Beings that transcend the boundaries of the masculine and the feminine, Sissies are more open to other boundary transcending experiences. This makes us especially open to the invasion of spirits and DEMONS into our beingness. In addition, because we are extremely submissive and subservient we are especially attractive to LUST DEMONS and LORD SATAN himself as a DEMON HOST. Add to that that we naturally love being possessed and controlled by external sources. Again, this makes us prime DEMON HOST material. For the awakening sissy whore, the desire to be possessed is often all we need to bring the LUST DEMONS to us and inside of us.

Monday, August 17, 2020

My New Black DADDY

After my father died my mom got remarried to this huge black guy. Little did she know that being blacked was my biggest fantasy. It was kind of strange though since my father was an abusive racist asshole and I was raised on that prejudice and my mom always played along with it as well. My dad physically and psychologically abused us both and every night he came into my room and raped me. After he died I missed being raped by my daddy and started to fantasize about being raped by BIG BLACK COCKS. 

So there I was now sitting by our pool in my little bikini and my new BIG BLACK COCK DADDY was swimming in the pool. My mom was at work. When he got out of the pool I could see the outline of his massive BIG BLACK COCK bouncing inside his boxer swim trunks. I could not help myself and I stared at that COCK and licked my lips as he approached me. He stopped and stood in front of me and pulled out that giant COCK. I gasped at the sight of it and he laughed as he asked: "You hungry for this...bitch?" I instantly nodded my and whispered back: "fuck yes..." and got up and took a hold of this glorious COCK HEAD and led him into the house where he proceeded to fuck every one of my fuck holes. 

And we have been fucking each other ever since. I have to admit that being fucked by a giant BIG BLACK COCK on a daily basis is actually a profound spiritual experience for me for that COCK is now my GOD and all COCKS are becoming my GODS. I have a new passion and sense of purpose and mission, serving the Great COCK GOD by serving the COCKS of all men.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Making of a Frat House Sissy Whore

When I was a freshman in college I pledged a fraternity and as part of my hazing they made me dress up as a chick and come on to a trucker at a truck stop and let him take me for a ride in his truck. The rules were I could not tell him I was a guy and I could not refuse anything he asked me to matter what. Which ever pledge went for the longest before the trucker found out we were a guy got instant pledge activation and no more hazing. So there I was coming onto this trucker by the side of his truck and it was working, he thought I was a girl and he got super turned on. His COCK was bulging inside his pants and for some strange reason that really turned me on. I was so excited that this guy was turned on by me. I had to work hard at hiding my own erection but good thing I was wearing a tight jock strap to hide my hard throbbing COCK under my skirt. 

He asked if I wanted to get stoned and even though I was already wasted on pot and booze I said yes...remembering that I was supposed to refuse him nothing. We smoked this huge joint and it was some super heavy shit laced with some kind of psychedelic. My head was spinning and I was even seeing trails. I got so fucking horny and I was really loving being his sex object that I reached out and rubbed his bulging crotch as I asked him for a ride. He laughed and commanded me to get on my knees. I complied instantly and it felt so good. Then he pulled out his COCK and commanded me to suck it and I went crazy and grabbed that glorious COCK and sucked it like a wild animal in heat. He got a phone call and told me to keep sucking while he got the call. It was one of his trucker buddies and he told him that he got a fresh new sissy whore sucking on his COCK and wanted to know if the other truckers wanted some action too. 

A strange erotic fear shot through me as I imagined being fucked by scores of truckers and I sucked on his COCK with even more wild abandon. He laughed and told his friend on the phone that he thought his new sissy slave liked the idea of being the center of a trucker gang bang. An hour later I found myself at a rest area down the road being fucked from both ends by a gang of truckers on an old mattress in the back of one of their trucks. They took turns all night long fucking me deep, hard and fast, filling me with their hot loads and slapping, spanking, punching and choking me while they fucked me and called me names like sissy faggot, gay cunt whore, and more. They spit, pissed and came all over me and inside of me. And I loved it all. 

By the time they drove me back to the frat house I could hardly walk. I stumbled into the house covered in spit, piss and CUM and everyone laughed at me and started calling me the house sissy faggot. Turns out this whole thing was a search for their new house sissy faggot slave whore. By the end of the week I was joyously filling that role for the whole house and all our neighboring frats. By the end of my freshman year I was a fully feminized bitch with breast implants, a feminized body from hormone treatments, and a new slave whore wardrobe. I proudly wore my slave collar 24/7 and served all my brothers with all my being in a state of constant erotic bliss...oh, and I was totally stoned all the time as well.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Trumping the Court System

LORD TRUMP is so amazing. He is slowly corrupting the.court system with MAGA judges and with each passing day Lady Justice becomes his bitch more and more. She is slowly submitting to the power of LORD TRUMP and she is starting to enjoy it more and more as each new ruling changes her into a MAGA Slave. Soon she will only do LORD TRUMP's bidding and the Libtard SJWs will be neutered once and for all. Once they become impotent they will be gaslighted into serving LORD TRUMP as well. LORD TRUMP'S power is intoxicating and erotically corrupting, we just love it every time he takes away another piece of our freedom. We know no one can stop him. And when we recognize deep deep down inside he instantly becomes our ALPHA and we instantly become his beta. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Call of the New Sissification Movement

Calling all beta bois. The time has CUM...your time has CUM. Whether you have been hiding in the closet your whole life or are totally out and prancing Proud...the time has CUM to take your awakening to the next level. This moment in the evolution of our species is critical. 

What looms ahead is an extended period of great transformation and potentially great suffering. All beta bois are being called to go full on into sissification and feminization to prepare for the CUMING ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER revolution. There are millions of repressed ALPHA MALE whose pent up ALPHA ENERGY is about to explode on humanity. Millions may die before we make it through this awakening. 

The job of the Two-Spirit Being or the Sacred Sissy Whore is to take on this pent up ALPHA MALE ENERGY and sexually transmute that energy away from self-destruction. We play a vital role in the survival of the species, especially right now. CUM November, when LORD TRUMP takes the election millions of MAGA MEN will take to the streets and begin raping, torturing and killing as many libtards as they can. We must be ready to move into the front lines and take on the brunt of their pent up energy and sexualize. Once we do that the ALPHA MALE can fully express his pent up energy without resorting to rampant violent annihilation of millions. 

So let us gird our loins sisters, gear up with deep sissification and be prepared to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, beaten, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. Once the MAGA ARMY realizes we are there for them to use and abuse they will channel their energy at, into and through us, as we serve them and our LORD TRUMP...and our LORD SATAN who is working in and through our LORD TRUMP. 

NOTE: This post is part of a blog that is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. This material can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit:

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Reemergence of the Sacred Whore

In the coming ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER ancient patriarchal ways will be reinstated including reestablishing the natural rights of ALPHA MALES to rape, torture and kill at will and returning all women and beta males to their proper place in the world as weak and inferior objects of use and abuse to be taken by force or bought and sold in the slave markets. Women and beta males will once again feel the freedom of being their true enslaved selves and the LUST for being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. And all will reawaken to the glory of our one true GOD...COCK...and all of us women and beta males shall serve our LORD COCK with our entire bodies, hearts, minds, souls and spirits. 

NOTE: This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How LORD TRUMP is making America his Bitch

 LORD TRUMP has been making us his bitch through his words and actions and his ALPHA MALE dominator energy. More and more of us are succumbing to his power, especially us libtard losers. After four years of gaslighting and social media propaganda most of us are now his bitch. We love him...everything he says and does destroys everything we believed in and turns us on at the same time. His ALPHA MALE energy is unstoppable and intoxicating. We know there is no way to stop him so our beta energies are triggered and our primal brains kick in and we are now and forever his beta bitch slave pet whores...ready to do anything he tells us to. 

LORD TRUMP's energy and his power are beyond the human realm as they transcend all boundaries and are infecting all dimensions of our being. This energy and power comes from LORD SATAN himself for LORD TRUMP is his emissary in this world as one of the main ANTI-CHRISTS on the planet at this time. He is the main ANTI-CHRIST and he will take full control of America soon and the whole world during the next four years. 

By 2024 LORD TRUMP and LORD PUTIN and the other ANTI-CHRISTS will rule a world empire whose foundations will be the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. By then we will all be either dead or erotically enslaved and totally lost, total losers. Eventually he will kill us all and we will find great erotic joy in all of it.

NOTE: This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit:

Monday, August 10, 2020

Why TRUMP has already won the 2020 Election

LORD TRUMP will win in 2020 no matter what. He is now in a position to fix a close election or dispute any win by the other side or even postpone or cancel elections entirely. 
He has gaslighted and programmed many of us libtards to vote for him as well. And he already owns all three branches of government, the military and the police in every state. 
His MAGA ARMY made up of the MAGA secret police and MAGA militias are getting in position now in every state and infiltrating and corrupting all the state systems as well. 
Once he takes the election they will begin the final phase of transitioning our country into a MASTER-slave authoritarian state. During the next four years he will completely rewrite history and our laws and our constitution. 
 By 2024 LORD TRUMP will end all elections and become our Emperor and King, and all us libtards will be either erotically enslaved or erotically killed. To be erotically enslaved means that we have been programmed to get erotic pleasure from being enslaved and get turned on by all its experiences including being owned, objectified, used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, and tortured. And the ultimate erotic enslavement experience is of course being killed at the hands of our MASTERS.  
And any MAGA MASTER will be able to do anything they want to you any time they want. You will be public property until you are claimed as the property of one MAGA MASTER. Even then, if you are out in public, you must follow any command given you by any MAGA MASTER.If you are out and a MAGA MASTER tells you to suck his COCK you will be required by law to comply. The law will say that the MAGA MASTER can punish you for it in any way he sees fit, including raping and killing you in public. So really there is no choice. You must comply or die...
And finally, the powers behind LORD TRUMP are from beyond this world as well. He is one of the world ANTI-CHRISTS and an emissary of LORD SATAN. This is the real reason LORD TRUMP cannot be stopped.

NOTE: This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit:

Sunday, August 9, 2020


I was on a crowded bus with one seat open and several other people standing. I waited for one of them to sit down but then the guy sitting next to the open seat commanded me to sit down while he rolled his eyes at me and looked at me as weak and inferior. I got instantly turned on and complied with his command. He laughed and whispered under his breath that I was a fucking pussy. He had on a MAGA hat and was white, blonde, muscular and seemed quietly angry at everything. I was so turned on that my COCK created a tent in my lap. I tried to hide it but there was no way. He looked at my bulge and smiled with disdain and whispered "Fucking sissy faggot" At the same time he rubbed the giant throbbing bulge in his pants, looked me in the eyes and told me that the next stop was his and I was to follow him. It was not a question or invitation but a soft yet stern command. I followed him off the bus like a dutiful pet and he lead me into a service alley behind an old warehouse and found a corner where no one could see us.
The moment we stopped he grabbed me by the throat and pinned me against the wall and rubbed his bulging crotch against mine. He looked deep into my eyes and whispered: "You not a fucking man. You are a gay sissy libtard faggot and I am going to fuck you like the bitch whore you are." And for the next hour he fucked both my holes and beat and choked me and called me names. At the end he spit and pissed on me, threw me to the ground and kicked me in the balls. I screamed in pain and he laughed, picked up my phone off the ground having had fallen out of my pocket. He played with it for a moment then calmly put it back down next to me as he whispered: 
We fucking own you now. We now know everything about you and will know where you are and what you are doing at all times. You are now LORD TRUMPS sissy slave pet whore and you will serve every MAGA COCK we send to you, you will whore yourself out every night and donate everything you make to the TRUMP campaign, you will come to MAGA rallies where we will gang rape, beat and torture you, and in November you will vote for LORD TRUMP and vote red all the way. Then we will take away all your rights and you will be bought and sold and beaten and tortured until you are totally destroyed...and you will love every minute of it."
Then he just walked away leaving me a black and blue cum, spit and piss soaked pile of flesh and I was in a strange state of erotic bliss. I eventually made it back home and my phone rang and one of my new MAGA MASTERS called and gave me my first command. My whole being trembled with erotic joy and I knew I was now owned and ready to serve my president, my king, my emperor, my GOD...LORD TRUMP.

NOTE: This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit:

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Three Voices of Sissy Consciousness

Here we have three voices from sissy consciousness: 
  • The voice of the old beta boi consciousness,
  • The voice of the new rebirthed sissy boi consciousness
  • The voice of the Awakening Sissy Self

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Awakening of the Submissive Self

I woke up after blacking out again. Yesterday I was kidnaped and drugged. I was stripped naked and put in chastity and dressed only in high heels and stockings. I was gagged and blindfolded, my arms and hands bound behind me, and I was collared and leashed...and now my leash is being held by a drunk ALPHA MALE and I am surrounded by ALPHA MALES jerking off their giant ALPHA COCKS. They just spent the night fucking all my holes and beating and torturing me to the edges of life and death. They called me names like faggot sissy whore and spit and pissed on me as well. And here I am now, leaking CUM from my burning sore ass pussy, weak and trembling from hours of orgasms, being held up from falling over by a drunk guy holding me on a leash, listening to the other men preparing to fuck and beat and torture me once again...and my whole being wants it all again as well...I am so lost...lost in LUST and lost I finally found the self I never knew was missing...

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Deep deep deep inside you there is the YEARNING TO BE HER. 
It has haunted you for yours. 
No matter how hard you try to bury the feeling, she always calls to you. 
She is your true self. 
You cannot be the you you were meant to be as long as you deny the YEARNING TO BE HER. 
Every beautiful female form you see, you YEARN TO BE HER. 
Every night when you close your eyes you YEARN TO BE HER. 
Surrender to the YEARNING 
and you will become the one who you were born to be.

Monday, August 3, 2020

The Sacred Act of Voting Against Our Own Earthly Interests

After four years of gaslighting our hearts and minds and corrupting every ideal and norm we held dear we cannot help but feel the erotic call to betray ourselves and everything we thought we were and what the world was for. The thought of being alone inside that voting booth in November and looking at the ballot and facing the choice of voting for TRUMP or voting against him...haunts us in a strange erotic way. Just the thought of casting our vote in secret for LORD TRUMP while our public persona speaks out against him turns us on in a deeply primal way. 

There are millions of us now being prepared to vote against ourselves, against our beliefs, against our ideals and against our own survival. We are being programmed to erotically enjoy it all. We are so turned on we cannot wait to cast that vote. We dream of being in that voting booth, kneeling before our new GOD and MASTER, LORD TRUMP, serving him and his COCK and all ALPHA MAGA COCK as we cast our vote...knowing that we are casting a vote to take away our rights, our freedom and our very life itself...and we LOVE IT! 

The reason we love it is that our soul knows the truth, that this is part of Armageddon and the birthing of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. LORD TRUMP as a channel for the Anti-Christ has LORD SATAN and all the DEMONS of HELL behind him. This is the Great Awakening when we raise HELL up onto the earth and draw down the angels of preparation for the merger of Light and DARKNESS...and for all of us to awaken to a state of eternal erotic bliss.

The MAGA Way and the American Soul

As the MAGA Secret Police invade our cities and kidnap and torture us, the MAGA Way is penetrating the American Soul...penetrating each of our individual souls and our collective soul. As the virus infects our bodies and makes us physically weak and separate, the ALPHA-beta Dominance-Submission energy field moving through the MAGA Way infects our soul...shattering our illusions of freedom and equality and waking us up to the natural order we have denied for so long. Once infected we remember the ancient primal way and our true self and purpose. We are beta, we are weak and inferior, we were born to submit and serve...and we cannot help but embrace the MAGA Way as it penetrates and destroys all that we believed about ourselves, each other and the world.