Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Nature of BLOOD LUST

I finally understand the notion of BLOOD LUST and the subtle undercurrents leading up to war and genocide. These are times when the LUST DEMONS are rising in our collective consciousness because humanity has repressed itself to a point that it opens the GATES OF HELL inside a large percentage of the population. For repression and denial and cognitive dissonance lead to an increase in the intensity of the Human Shadow. And a deepening of the shadow opens the pathway to DARKNESS...a pathway that is both inside the individual and inside the collective itself. 

More and more of us yearn to be possessed by these DEMONS for they bring with them great erotic pleasure and bliss. But that erotic pleasure and bliss is not limited to special experiences of pleasure and bliss, it transforms us into LUST filled primal beings who get great erotic pleasure and bliss from both pleasure and pain, from abuse and torture, from love and hate, and who find freedom in slavery, power in servitude, and great joy in great suffering. 

And during these DARK TIMES, some of us cross the threshold from being a host to just LUST DEMONS to being a host for BLOODLUST DEMONS themselves. These BLOODLUST DEMONS get off on even more extreme violence as both perpetrator and as victim. When enough of them rise up into the collective consciousness of humanity that is when we see the rise of hatred and prejudice and fascism and violence at both the individual and collective levels. 

What we fail to realize is that at its heart violence, hatred and abuse are sexual experiences for those who are possessed of the DEMONS OF BLOODLUST.,,and all of this arises from the repression of our true selves and nature. Then when we suppress the LUST and BLOOLUST that arises from this repression we are magnifying the DARKNESS and unleashing it into the world of form.

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