Saturday, August 22, 2020

The CUMING of the End Times

It started in 2016. The day after LORD TRUMP was elected as the new president of the United States, thousands of white supremacists were sent out across the country in secret. Their mission was to infect as many libtards and minorities as possible with a nano virus created in the Nazi labs of South America. They used special rings on their fingers that had nano needles in them so that when they shook someones hand the nano virus went inside their system. They had three years to infect as many of us as possible. During this time LORD TRUMP gaslighted us, social media and porn reprogrammed us and his MAGA forces also infiltrated all areas of government and began corrupting the system, including dismantled our governments pandemic response system. 

Then in 2019 the lab-created Covid-19 virus was released in China by undercover agents working for the President. The virus was designed to spread around the world and when it got to the American shores it would act as a trigger for the nano virus already infecting millions of libtards and minorities. Then LORD TRUMP made sure that as many of us got infected by the Covid virus as possible to trigger our nano virus, by diverting safety products like masks, disinfectants, etc to FEMA warehouses and sending out his MAGA forces to protest social isolation efforts. 

Next MAGA members of the police murdered a black man on video and leaked the video online to create protests and bring people out of social isolation and into the streets. Undercover MAGA agents infiltrated the protests and damaged property and triggered violence. As this spread President LORD TRUMP used it to send in his newly established secret police into libtard states and cities to begin the authoritarian takeover. 

By the time this happened we were already so deeply gaslighted and programmed by social media and porn that it was all turning us on. Millions of us libtards are now gooning to the thought of voting for LORD TRUMP in 2020 and getting off on visions of losing our freedoms and equal rights, and becoming enslaved and used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured and ultimately destroyed. The plan is working perfectly. 

The great Libtard Genocide of 2020 has begun. LORD TRUMP is making sure we cannot mail in vote and he is reducing the number of voting sites in order to infect even more of us. Then once we vote our rights and freedoms away, those of us left alive will be rounded up and enslaved and tortured and sold in slave markets. New laws will be passed allowing anyone to do anything they want to us including torture and kill us. And knowing all this deep in our being we still cannot stop it from turns us on too much...we are trapped and we love it... 

The powers behind LORD TRUMP are vast and deep. It is the power of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, the rebirth of the patriarchy, and the CUMING of Armageddon...for in truth LORD TRUMP is the Anti-Christ and it is LORD SATAN behind it all. That is why nothing can stop it from happening. That is why we are doomed. And that is why we are saved as well. The Last Judgement and the Final Solution is upon us...


NOTE: This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit:

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