Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How LORD TRUMP is making America his Bitch

 LORD TRUMP has been making us his bitch through his words and actions and his ALPHA MALE dominator energy. More and more of us are succumbing to his power, especially us libtard losers. After four years of gaslighting and social media propaganda most of us are now his bitch. We love him...everything he says and does destroys everything we believed in and turns us on at the same time. His ALPHA MALE energy is unstoppable and intoxicating. We know there is no way to stop him so our beta energies are triggered and our primal brains kick in and we are now and forever his beta bitch slave pet whores...ready to do anything he tells us to. 

LORD TRUMP's energy and his power are beyond the human realm as they transcend all boundaries and are infecting all dimensions of our being. This energy and power comes from LORD SATAN himself for LORD TRUMP is his emissary in this world as one of the main ANTI-CHRISTS on the planet at this time. He is the main ANTI-CHRIST and he will take full control of America soon and the whole world during the next four years. 

By 2024 LORD TRUMP and LORD PUTIN and the other ANTI-CHRISTS will rule a world empire whose foundations will be the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. By then we will all be either dead or erotically enslaved and totally lost, total losers. Eventually he will kill us all and we will find great erotic joy in all of it.

NOTE: This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW. For more on the Church of Transformative Sexuality visit: https://transformsex.blogspot.com

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