Friday, August 14, 2020

Trumping the Court System

LORD TRUMP is so amazing. He is slowly corrupting the.court system with MAGA judges and with each passing day Lady Justice becomes his bitch more and more. She is slowly submitting to the power of LORD TRUMP and she is starting to enjoy it more and more as each new ruling changes her into a MAGA Slave. Soon she will only do LORD TRUMP's bidding and the Libtard SJWs will be neutered once and for all. Once they become impotent they will be gaslighted into serving LORD TRUMP as well. LORD TRUMP'S power is intoxicating and erotically corrupting, we just love it every time he takes away another piece of our freedom. We know no one can stop him. And when we recognize deep deep down inside he instantly becomes our ALPHA and we instantly become his beta. 

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