Monday, August 3, 2020

The Sacred Act of Voting Against Our Own Earthly Interests

After four years of gaslighting our hearts and minds and corrupting every ideal and norm we held dear we cannot help but feel the erotic call to betray ourselves and everything we thought we were and what the world was for. The thought of being alone inside that voting booth in November and looking at the ballot and facing the choice of voting for TRUMP or voting against him...haunts us in a strange erotic way. Just the thought of casting our vote in secret for LORD TRUMP while our public persona speaks out against him turns us on in a deeply primal way. 

There are millions of us now being prepared to vote against ourselves, against our beliefs, against our ideals and against our own survival. We are being programmed to erotically enjoy it all. We are so turned on we cannot wait to cast that vote. We dream of being in that voting booth, kneeling before our new GOD and MASTER, LORD TRUMP, serving him and his COCK and all ALPHA MAGA COCK as we cast our vote...knowing that we are casting a vote to take away our rights, our freedom and our very life itself...and we LOVE IT! 

The reason we love it is that our soul knows the truth, that this is part of Armageddon and the birthing of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. LORD TRUMP as a channel for the Anti-Christ has LORD SATAN and all the DEMONS of HELL behind him. This is the Great Awakening when we raise HELL up onto the earth and draw down the angels of preparation for the merger of Light and DARKNESS...and for all of us to awaken to a state of eternal erotic bliss.

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