Sunday, August 23, 2020

I am not a Prophet


Just to be clear, I make no claims to being some kind of prophet. For those of you touched by my work either negatively or positively know that my intention is to be of service and act as a channel between the non-corporal entities that speak through me to you. I am not a Goddess but I do channel a voice that claims to be one. I have entities visit me who claim to be LUST DEMONS and one who claims to be LORD SATAN. I have channeled them for years and for myself, I believe them and can feel their essence. But perhaps I am deluded. There is always the need to discern what is true from what is false.

You can usually tell a voice is not who it says it is if they attempt to isolate you from other voices inside yourself or that of others. The false voices will tend to claim that they are the one and only savior or devil or prophet, etc. These are all signs of a voice that is attempting to manipulate us somehow.

If we are attempting to become a channel for LUST DEMONS and LORD SATAN, we must be very careful and understand that there are many different spirits who claim to be these entities. There is also three distinct forms of DEMONIC FORCES at play within our collective unconscious. These are the Pagan, Hebraic and Christian forms of SATAN and HIS HOST of DEMONS. I follow the Hebraic forms of LORD SATAN and the DEMONS OF LUST. Many who follow the Christian form of Satanism perceive the other paths as false. Whereas my path perceives all paths as manifestations of the same Source, each with its own gifts and challenges.

In the end we each have to discern for ourselves, which path and which voices to follow. If my work resonates with you in a positive way that is beautiful, if not I honor that as well. We all have our path to follow. Blessings to us all on the way...

Oh, and by the way, the MAGA material is designed to help us release unowned fears and projections and repressed sexual energies and primal wounds around what is happening in the world right now.

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