Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The DARK SOUL of America

We Libtards live in our own illusory reality bubbles outside the natural order. We believe that we are the majority. But when we look underneath the surface of our illusions we discover that the shadows within us individually and collectively are much greater than we ever imagined. So much has been disowned, repressed and distorted that the DARKNESS has grown to immense proportions. 

When we surf the web we are only surfing on the surface of what is real. Beneath that surface lives the MAGA DARK WEB...seething with great fears, hatred, vengeance, LUST and desire. We cannot move forward until we face the DARKNESS fully and completely. 

During the next few months we shall see the shadows rising on the streets and feel the shadows deepening in our hearts. 

We will be lost to all that was, unsure of all that is and hopeless about all that could be. 

Let us dive into the shadows with wild abandon and drench ourselves in deep oceans of LUST. 

Let us own the DARKNESS and let the DARKNESS own us...

Let us become the DARKNESS and let the DARKNESS become us. 

Only when we become one with the DARKNESS can we become one with the LIGHT.

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