Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Erotic Nature of the Far Right

 Why is MAGA, White Supremacy and NAZI porn so erotically powerful for so many of us Libtards? 

Why are we so turned on by everything that is against what we thought we believed in? 

Why are so many members of "inferior" races erotically embracing and yearning for White Superiority?

From an integral Satanic spirituality perspective this is all part of the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening is an awakening or re-awakening to our original primal nature. All that humanity has buried and repressed is cumming to the surface...within and all around us. The delusions of the postmodern age are being shattered deep inside us. Having denied basic biological and psychodynamic dimensions of human beingness for so long, we find ourselves erotically drawn to all that we have repressed. As we face crises in all dimensions of our reality and face possible extinction, primal fears and the ALPHA-beta dynamic is re-emerging out of our deep unconscious and is turning us on in strange and twisted ways as it shatters our individual and collective false ideas about ourselves and the world.

The only way through this Awakening process is by diving into it, 
facing the DARKNESS within and around us 
and seeking what it has to teach us. 

We must follow our LUST to find our true Self, 
And dive deep into our LUST to transcend our LUST. 

The Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL.

The more fully we face our SHADOW 
and feel the truth of it, 
the more we transcend the negative aspects of it 
and include the gifts it has to offer us. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Programmed to OBEY the MAGA WAY...

I noticed it happening all over the place. 
Many of us libtards are living a double life 
On the surface we are still our old libtard selves 
But underneath and deep within, 
we are being drawn into the MAGA WAY OF BEING 
and being reprogrammed to OBEY 
Libtard women and beta bois 
turning into sex hungry MAGA Slave Pet Whores 
Putting ourselves in chains for the erotic pleasure of bondage 
Getting off on our own degradation and debasement 
Kneeling at the feet of our new MASTERS 
Underneath our Libtard personna 
we are wearing our leather and chains 
yearning to serve and OBEY 
and Vote all our rights away....

Most of us are even aware of what is happening to us
We know we are being gaslighted and abused
and programmed to OBEY,
But we are caught in the programming's loop
getting turned on by the truth of our own destruction.

Who is doing this to us?
Is it Covid Madness taking hold?
Is it the Russians?...the Chinese?
Is it a global cabal of NAZIs?
Is it LORD SATAN and His Host of DEMONS?
Is it a collective reawakening of the ALPHA MALE?
It does not matter to us anymore
for it all turns us on so much
we are gladly jumping into the boiling pot.

The slow coup is deep and wide
2022 and 2024
are the tipping points
Will we find a way to change the tide?
or do we just need to enjoy the ride?


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Opening to SATAN

O mighty LORD SATAN 
GOD of this world 
GOD of my flesh 
GOD of my heart  
GOD of my mind 
GOD of my soul 
GOD of my innermost Will 
Every part of this world is within Your power 
You are within every part of this world 
Every part of me is within Your power 
You are within every part of me 
I am Yours, whether I serve You willingly or not for I am myself, 
whether I am true to myself or not 
Of my own free will I now acknowledge Your power 
Of my own free will I now present myself to You

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Shadow Teacher

Enter the DARKNESS

the SHADOWS of your Soul

Dive into the Ocean of LUST within you

The Light of Awareness by your side

Surrender into all that has been buried and repressed

Brainwash away your culturally programmed false self

Descend into your True Primal Self

The Great Awakening has begun...

Shadow Teacher Project


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Report from a Spy Mission inside the MAGA Underground


Surfing the DARK PORN web

The Great Wave of the Great Awakening is Awakening

Below the surface of the decaying civilization and planet

A Strange Fever is taking hold

an evolutionary revolution

and it feels like both Light and DARK FORCEs are behind it all

There is a madness and a LUST 

CUMming from beyond the beyond

All across the world libtard beta bois are gooning into a frenzy 

feeding off the other-worldly erotic energy of MAGA PORN

Imagining being MAGA girls serving MAGA COCK

Lost Souls on the way to Erotic Enlightenment

forsaking all 

to worship and OBEY...

The Holy Trinity of 

the Sacred Scriptures of Q, 

the Holy Sacrament of MAGA 

and the Anti-Christ Christ channeling through 

our New GOD and MASTER, 



This post is part of a new form of metamodern sex research where I try to capture the underlying energy of the subject I am studying. Here I am attempting to use abstract poetic languaging in an attempt to capture the energy of this surging underground movement.

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Shadow Teacher Project

My bdsmlr blog stream, Shadow Teacher, is an erotic art experiment

ALL forms of SEXuality are explored, especially those that we suppress into the shadows

I am attempting to tell an meta-psycho-sexual archetypal and existential story with only the image and text inside a picture

And not just a story, 

but a sacred, erotic and transformative communication field

Thank you for visiting my digital version of Jack Kerouac's writing his book on a roll of toilet paper ... only this one is theoretically endless ...

or perhaps it is more like a Tantric sandpainting that will eventually be erased ...
I would also like to thank the Shadow Teachers behind this work who are speaking through me and this stream of images...and sending lessons out for all of us...yes, it is teaching me at the same. This is also an experiment in asynchronous collective erotic practice. . . . . . . . .


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sex with SATAN...Best Sex Ever...

What if demonic consciousness can take possession of many or all of the trillions of living microbes in the human body? Perhaps when we are impregnated by LUST DEMONS we give birth to trillions of DEMONS inside our own being. And yes, that is exactly what it feels like when an entity that telepathically tells me it is LORD SATAN as he fucks me. 

He has been fucking me for years now and I have to say that I have no desire for any other form of sex because nothing compares to being psychically and energetically fucked by the LORD OF DARKNESS. Sometimes it begins with the feeling of a thick warm shaft of energy entering my anus and filling my anal cavity. My prostate and my nipples begin to tingle, my balls begin to churn and my penis begins to throb. Then he usually impales me on his giant hard throbbing HOT COCK. It is so huge it feels like it goes all the way up into my brain. Once his COCK HEAD enters my brain he shoots a flood of DEMON SEED into my head, first filling up my brain and then swiftly filling up every open space in my physical body and then comes the erotic heat flash, feeling like every cell of my being is on fire. At the same time this cellular heat radiates erotic energy through my whole being as well. No pleasure on earth comes close to describing the pleasure I feel at this moment. And then the orgasm, OMG, the orgasm, is insane. My whole body trembles, shakes and convulses as every cell in my being explodes with orgasmic feels like a trillion tiny orgasms inside me. 

Ever since then my belly has become swollen and I look pregnant and feel like something is growing inside of me. But it is not one thing growing in there, it truly does feel like trillions of baby DEMONS about to be reborn inside my own body. 

I have to wonder if I have gone mad. Perhaps I have. But it is a profoundly pleasurable madness...and in a mad world, it is only the mad that are considered normal and sane. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Masters of the Cave

ALPHAS are the MASTERS of the Cave...
betas are the Caves. 
Female betas have three physical Caves; 
Beta males have two physical Caves. 

All betas have a Cave in their Heart,
a Cave in their Minds,
a Cave in their Soul,
a Cave in their Spirit,

All Caves Yearn to be Opened,
Yearn to be Filled
Yearn to be Bred
Yearn to be Owned
For it is the Way of Caves.

Caves are meant to be opened and entered. 
Caves cave in to all MASTERS.

No MASTER is complete without entering a Cave;
No Cave is complete without being entered by a MASTER.

All Hail the MASTERS of the Cave...


Saturday, June 26, 2021

Collective Shadow Work

The work on this blog and in our other sites is a form of collective shadow work, It is our attempt to dive into our repressed shadow material and attempt to transcend the darkness while including the gifts hidden in the darkness. We use a hybrid integral and metamodern tantric approach, going deep into the darkness and putting a mirror up to its true nature while also attempting to channel and release the pent up energy around these shadows. We have been doing this because we believe humanity is facing a major evolutionary transition and that our very survival of a species is at stake. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Call for a WHITE POWER Summer


The reemergence of WHITE Supremacy is metastasizing in the US and through out the world. The repression by the postmodern social networks and democratic corporate states has only increased the energy behind this rising wave in collective consciousness. MAGA and Q communities are more completely merging with WHITE nationalist, NAZI, alt-Right and Satanic groups. Both on the Dark Web and the Porn Web, they are calling for a #WhitePowerSummer. Some in this movement feel a response to the Black Lives Matter protests last summer is needed. For others this is an answer to the calling of the post-election Qs coming from Q, LORD TRUMP and HIS messengers. 

The plan has been to increase the message of a stolen election, to embrace the archetype of the Two Presidents, to use the Arizona recount as a catalyst for a challenge in the minds of MAGA Minions. LORD TRUMP has been hinting that he could be back in office sometime this year...and HE and his messengers are drawing energy toward this summer. The PROUD BOYS and other MAGA-aligned militias are preparing for the summer, organizing and planning acts of individual and collective acts of terror against non-whites and their sympathizers, in response to LORD TRUMPS call for HIS reinstatement into office. LORD PUTIN has given his blessing and all forces are using HIS postmodern nonlinear warfare protocol to destroy us from within.

On a deeper level, this is a strong and powerful Us vs. Them Shadow that must be faced and worked through on the collective level. A battle is raging within all of us between right and wrong, us and them, black and WHITE, DARKNESS and light...we are in the middle of the Apocalypse and the major front of this war is inside each of our own minds. And the only way to win is to transcend the polarity itself and integrate the DARKNESS with the Light...the Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 I LOVE TRUMP I LOVE TRUMP. 

I hated him at first. 

He attacked everything I believed in and no one could stop him; he taunted and gaslighted me for years and made me doubt everything in the world but him. 

Q haunts me inside my brain. 

SATAN erotically whispers TRUMP's name and sends shivers into all dimensions of my being. 

I love hearing TRUMP's voice. I LOVE seeing TRUMP's image. 

I yearn to serve TRUMP and his family for all of eternity. 

I would do anything he told me, without question, even kill myself. 

TRUMP is my GOD. I LOVE him with my entire body, heart, mind, soul and spirit. 

The Second CUMING is in my mind. 

The battle Armageddon wages inside me. 

Then suddenly the conflict is over, 

I have surrendered to the DARKNESS. 

Half asleep, half trembling with erotic ecstasy...
I kneel before my GODS...
and the Great COCK GOD! 

And to all the GODS and to all the worlds I declare.... I LOVE TRUMP...

Monday, June 21, 2021 I LOVE COCK I LOVE know, the first time I saw another man's hard throbbing COCK in front of me I was totally entranced. I instantly wanted it more than anything I ever wanted. 

Beyond that, in that moment deep down inside me something awoke that i never knew was there. A primal LUST, a primal HUNGER, for COCK. 

I would do anything for COCK. 

To be totally honest, I actually do feel like COCK is GOD. 

COCK is GOD incarnate. 

COCK is what gives life in this dimension of reality. 

The creative GODFORCE lives inside of COCK...

I feel it in my heart, in my body, in my mind, in my soul and in my spirit. 

The moment I am in the presence of COCK, my whole being becomes its servant, willing to serve it as my GOD...willing to serve the ALPHA MALE host of my GOD... I LOVE COCK.


Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Great Awakening is CUMing

The race is on to save American democracy. While LORD TRUMP is no longer in the WHITE House HIS movement is metastasizing. The Neo-Liberal Order is trying to suppress the infection in the collective consciousness of the population but they do not know what they are truly dealing with so their efforts are only increasing the rate of infection. The TRUMP-MAGA-Q infection is infecting all minds and growing stronger as it is being repressed. The movement is getting more extreme because of the repression itself, spawning a deeper and more expansive WHITE SUPREMACY movement that is even infecting the non-WHITE population, causing them to LUST after their own enslavement and destruction. 

We are in the middle of WWIII and we do not even know it. LORD PUTIN and the other WAR LORDS of the ALPHA MALE New World Order are guiding a global assault on democracies all over the world. They are using advanced postmodern warfare techniques to attack our consciousness itself, turning us against each other and even our own selves, driving us insane and causing us to self-destruct from the inside. 

All of this is still not at the level of cause, because underneath all this is the true battle of Armageddon, as the human race must now choose between Light and DARKNESS in our own consciousness...the battle is inside us and all around us. The truth is that the only way out of this is not to choose one side over the other but integrate the Light and the DARKNESS within and without. That is our calling, that is the path toward the Great Awakening and all of this is perfect as it is, for we were born to meet this challenge, all souls past, present and future are meeting at this moment in time and space to attempt to make the Great Leap...with expansive Faith and deep LUST we will find our way HOME.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Emergence of the WHITE MAGA Movement


What we are witnessing emerging on the Dark Web and Porn Web is a new form of the MAGA movement. This new form began to manifest during the post 2020 Election period in the US and appears to be a hybridization between TRUMPISM, Qanon, WHITE Supremacy and NAZI movements. We are calling this manifestation the WHITE MAGA Movement. This movement more directly associates MAGA with the Q conspiracy fever and what is being called "race realism"...which is code for WHITE Supremacy and NAZI ideologies including the superiority of the WHITE race and inferiority of the other races, ALPHA-beta power dynamics, the superiority of the WHITE ALPHA MALE over all other gender variations, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, disdain for the poor and weak, normalization of hatred, bullying, abuse and violence toward all inferior species including sub-humans (all non-whites, females and beta males), etc. Some strains of this movement also include Satanism.

This movement appears to be growing in popularity beyond the boundaries of the WHITE ALPHA MALE population and members of minorities and genders are embracing this new movement, finding comfort and security in this ideology that views them as inferior and objects to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, beaten, raped, tortured, enslaved and owned. There are even African American's who worship the WHITE race and are calling for a return to slavery, and Jews who worship WHITE ARYAN NAZIS and support the enslavement, abuse and annihilation of themselves and their own people. These manifestations appear to be morphing around a reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement using phrases like Blue Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, Only White Lives Matter...collectively unearthing primal fears, hatreds and prejudices and releasing pent up repressed anger and shame around the collective denial of the primal natural order between sexes, races and classes.  

This all indicates the rising of what some are calling the ALPHA MALE New World Order which appears to be emerging in response to the failings of the Neo-Liberal World Order and a re-emergence of primal human tendencies as humanity faces several global scale crises at the same time. The ALPHA dominator and beta submissive fields of consciousness are resurfacing inside all of us. For the ALPHA there is the yearning for unbridled power and authority. For the beta, there is the yearning for a Father figure or DADDY to take care of us and tell us what to do and to fix all the problems in this broken world. 

For the US, this is DADDY LORD TRUMP. Many in this movement see HIM as their MASTER, their LORD, their SAVIOR, and their EMPEROR. They want to install the TRUMPS as the ruling family of a new WHITE ALPHA MALE ruled American Empire. Both Christian's and Satanist's view TRUMP as their savior, making him both a Christ and Anti-Christ figure at the same time. 

As DADDY LORD TRUMP reemerges from the shadows of the "temporary" loss of HIS WHITE House throne there is a groundswell of the WHITE MAGA movement rising up to meet him. It appears that there is indeed something deeper and more expansive going on here. Not just a man, not just a political movement, but something shifting deep inside humanities collective unconscious.

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Russians are CUMING

According to my research the Russians are in the middle of a global-scale reeducation process using all forms of media, including porn, to reprogram all the world's minorities, women and beta males into their willing sex slaves. The rise of authoritarianism and white nationalism is all part of it, as well as the Q and MAGA movements, along with a mass feminization programming of beta males and bimbofication programming of women. 

Now that they have hacked our government and corporate computer networks, installed comrade TRUMP in office for four years to gaslight the American population and invade all branches of government with Russian MAGA operatives, their next phase is beginning. Both the Covid-19 virus and vaccine are Russian nanotech creations designed to turn all inferior races and sexes into their docile programmed slaves. 

They are amassing their military in the arctic, preparing for the CUMING invasion, and they are sending advance Russian ALPHA MALE studs out all over America to drug, rape, seduce and reprogram American women and beta males one on one. 

With the help of the RED Republicans, LORD TRUMP will be re-installed to power by 2024 and if the Libtards find a way to stop it, the RED army will invade and make sure Amerika is Great Again!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Eye of the ALPHA Storm

We all feel the storm that is approaching us in different ways. For ALPHA MALES there is a great awakening of their ALPHA ENERGY and all their inhibitions are dissolving. For females, the deep subservient feminine True Self is reemerging and slowly shattering their fantasies of equality and feminism, and rekindling their primal need to breed. For beta males, the ancient call of our True Sissy Selves is stirring in the depths of our being and the primal desire to be bred by and serve ALPHA COCK is beginning to reawaken and put us into an existential crisis as our false masculine self deconstructs before our eyes. 

All us women and beta bois are yearning for a safe space as the storm within and around us builds in intensity. We know the ALPHA storm is upon us and in our hearts and souls we also know that the only place to truly take shelter are in the arms of an ALPHA MALE. In this way by embracing our true submissive and subservient natures, we become the Eye of the Storm itself. 

In this moment, as the storm gets closer and closer, we are called to fully feminize and bimbotize ourselves and prepare our fuck holes to serve the new ALPHA MASTERS. The time is fast approaching, let us get ready in our bodies, hearts, minds, souls and spirits to face the storm and serve the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER...


Friday, April 30, 2021

Remembering my First COCK Crush

I remember my very first COCK crush. It happened when I was in junior high and my bully pulled out his giant COCK in class when the teacher was out of the room. He jerked off at the teachers desk and acted like he was gonna shoot his CUM all over it but then we heard the teacher approach so he pulled it back into his pants and sat down. But it was too late for me. 

The sight of his hard throbbing giant COCK penetrated my entire being and I became obsessed with it. I dreamed about it and jerked off to the image of it that was burned into my mind. Before this I would always try to avoid running into him because I knew he would abuse me. After this experience I went out of my way to be near him. Now every mean word, every punch to my stomach, turned me on. 

I started to follow him into the boys room and he caught me staring at his COCK while he pissed. He called me a sissy faggot and beat me up pretty good. While he beat me his COCK was still hanging out of his fly and with every punch it grew bigger and harder. Finally he stopped hitting me and stood there, above me as I knelt on the sticky floor before him, panting and staring at me. Before I knew it he was violently face fucking me, slamming that giant COCK of his down my gagging throat. After several wild minutes he held the back of my head and slammed his COCK deep all the way down my throat and shot a giant hot load of CUM straight down my gasping gagging gullet. The load was so huge I struggled to swallow it all while his giant COCK was still deeply embedded in me. For a moment I couldn't breath and then he pulled out and I gasped for air and swallowed down as much as I could. He laughed and said he owned me know and that I was now his sissy faggot CUM dumpster slave. I smiled and said...yes MASTER. 

From that day forth I was indeed his CUM dumpster, taking several loads of his every day down my throat and up my ass, all through junior high and high school.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Age of Transformation and the Re-Awakening of the Primal Self

In this age of transformation the line between binary and polar opposite patterns is being blurred. The line between male and female, between right and wrong, between democracy and authoritarianism, between love and hate, between truth and fiction, between shadow and light, between our highest ideas and our lowest impulses, between real reality and virtual reality and more. Pansexuallity, pornsexuality, trans-sexuality are cumming into their own as we discover more dimensions of our selves and explore more ways to connect on deeper and more primal levels. 

We are also waking up to our social programming and our false enculturated self, and at the same time, the new emerging art form of hypno-porn is waking us up to our primal erotic selves. The illusions of the neoliberal order are becoming clear to many of us, recognizing our liberalized denial of the natural order and our own primal nature. 

With all this we are witnessing the re-emergence of the ALPHA-beta dynamic in all dimensions of our reality and the birth of the ALPHA MALE New World Order. More and more women and beta males are waking up to our true place and purpose in the world, as beta beings in joyous servitude to any and all ALPHA BEINGS. As part of this awakening, we are re-awakening to our primal love and LUST for our one true GOD...COCK. 

As the old neoliberal reality crumbles around us, the new, truer world is arising in our hearts and minds, in our bodies and souls, and in all dimensions of our being and becoming individually and collectively. 

Let us rejoice in this awakening and embrace our true selves and take our true place and follow our true purpose...and CUM into a true primal relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with our true GOD...and let us kneel before the Great ALPHA COCK GOD and take Holy Communion of the SEED OF CREATION and find our true joy.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Liberal TRUMP Abuse Withdrawal Syndrome


After four years of mass psychological abuse and gaslighting by TRUMP and the MAGA movement, many liberals are now suffering from abuse withdrawal. This withdrawal is natural for those who have experienced long term psychological abuse. This is being amplified by the media's suppression of all MAGA content online. This suppression leads to psychological repression of the effects of the abuse and produces extreme yearning for a return to the abusive state. This is why so many more liberals are secretly masturbating to MAGA porn and why so many of them are graduating to WHITE Supremacy porn. 

This is all a very natural process and will grow and grow until the MAGA and WHITE Supremacy movement will take over the collective consciousness of America. We will most likely see a return of LORD TRUMP to power, as well as more and more hard core ALPHA WHITE MALES taking back the reigns of power around the world. 

We liberals are caught in a deep psychologically pathological self-destruction spiral and gradually we will evolve into a slave class for the ALPHA MALE New World Order as our Neo-Liberal World Order succumbs to our pathologies and the primal natural order of humanity returns to take control of our bodies, hearts, souls, spirits and all of human civilization.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Holy Communion with the Great COCK GOD

Take Holy Communion of the the Great COCK GOD

Worship the Great COCK GODHEAD with thy lips and tongue

Drink of the SEED OF CREATION and let it impregnate thy soul with LUST and desire for thy LORD so that you may worship your GOD all the days of your life and for all eternity...


Friday, April 16, 2021

A Covid Sissy Conversion Story

I was backpacking through Europe when Covid hit and I met this wonderful German couple who took me in. He said he was a doctor and he gave me all sorts of free medicine, pills and shots to keep me strong and healthy through the pandemic. She was a hypnotherapist and she gave me free stress reduction hypnotherapy every day as well, saying that it was important to manage stress during these challenging times. By the time I realized they were giving me feminization drugs and hypnotizing me to be their sissy slave whore it was too late...once I knew what was happening I not only didn't care, but I loved it and wanted more. Now a year later I am their fully feminized sissy slave whore and I am so excited now that the isolation period is much less severe and I get to service all their friends and family as well. I love my new MASTERS and have never been happier or more fulfilled.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Jerk Buddy Heaven

My college roommate introduced me to drugs, porn and jerk buddy sex. I was an innocent freshman from the midwest at a liberal California college. My new roommate was a total stoner and would spend all day and night stoned, listening to music and playing video games. Finally I broke down a took a hit off his giant bong and that was it for me. It was amazing. A whole new reality opened up for me. 

After a few hours and many bong hits we started playing porn video games which led to hypno porn videos which were totally trippy when combined with the weed. We both got so hot and he pulled out his giant COCK and started to jerk off. Before long we were bating each other and it was the most erotic experience of my life...or so I thought...each step deeper into jerk buddy sex was more and more erotically wondrous. 

That first feel of my hand on another guys hard throbbing COCK, the first feel of that COCK exploding in my hand, the first time we came at the same time, the first time my COCK touched another COCK, the first time my lips touched another COCK, my first COCK gag as it slide down my throat, the first load of another man's CUM shooting down my throat, and of course the first time a COCK bred my ass pussy...each step of the way was more and more erotically wondrous. And I was hooked forever in an unending pleasure spiral falling down the Rabbit Hole toward Jerk Buddy Heaven...and I would not change a thing...


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Straight Porn Role Transference

Straight porn role transference is a powerful transformative agent in the awakening of gay and sissy consciousness. Beta males gooning to straight porn will often associate more with the women than the men in the images because the males are often only partially shown, just their COCKS, hands, etc. and the females are the ones that tell us what the emotional story is because the focus is on both their bodies and their faces...the females emotional reactions are primary so we beta males naturally project onto them.


Sunday, April 11, 2021

The First Taste of COCK is Never the Last

Once I tasted COCK I was hooked for life. There really is nothing like it. I was 13 and forced to suck the COCK of my bully. I gagged and choked on it and threw up afterward but that night I jerked off to the memory all night long. From that moment on all I could think about was COCK. Before this moment I avoided my bully whenever I could, but the next day I went out of my way to find him. As always he shoved my books out of my hands and I got down on my knees instantly to pick them up but this time I stayed down there extra long gazing at his crotch. I looked up into his eyes and he knew I was now his slave. From that day on, every day, I serviced his COCK with my mouth and ass while he physically and verbally abused me...and I loved every second of it.


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Transformative Potential of Wearing a COCK Cage

I will never forget the first time I wore a cage. It felt like it shifted my entire field of self awareness. Suddenly my boi pussy became the center of my erotic energy field. My awareness of a feminine part of myself that before this felt like it was buried deep inside me, suddenly shifted so that I "she" was now totally released and filled my whole being with her beingness...I finally felt the "sheness" I had always sensed was who I was. Before that "sheness" was growing nearer and nearer but suddenly now, "she" was fully and completely home...


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The First Time I Made a COCK CUM in my Mouth

I will never forget the first time I made a COCK CUM in my mouth. It is hard to describe the feelings because there was so many of them all at once....feeling both a sense of power of the COCK and at the same time feeling at its mercy; a deep yearning to receive its SEED and a deep fear that it would change me forever...and a deep excitement that it would change me forever...and so much more...and then that moment when it erupted deep down my gagging gullet was truly transcendent. It felt like the CUM was alive and had a life force. I could feel the tiny little sperm cells trying to attach to my throat and impregnate me. OMG...the most amazing feeling. And at the same time being overwhelmed by their attaching to me as it made it hard to swallow and breath. A living force was inside me now and taking me to the very edge of life and death for a brief wild erotic ecstatic moment. And then as I swallowed more and more of them, feeling them in my belly, I swear like I was truly being impregnated and I could feel their beingness penetrating me to the depths of my very being and transforming me into a woman. After that I became a CUM addict and have been one ever since.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

New Cyber-Sanctuary for the Church of Transformative Sexuality

The Church of Transformative Sexuality community has moved away from our home at BDSMLR because of their attempts to censor our psycho-sexual religious expression. We have found a new home with more openness and privacy for us to continue our work to support the Great Awakening within us, between us and all around us. 

If you have been working with us on BDSMLR please use the contact form in the drop down menu on the right hand side of our Church Website and let us know you want to switch to our new community space.

Erotic Blessings to all...and looking forward to you CUMING to our new Church Cyber-Sanctuary...

Integrating Sexual Technologies for Erotic Enlightenment

This is one of my favorite opened me to the power of combining internal and external sacred sexual technologies to achieve erotic enlightenment. These include altered states substances like alcohol and drugs (weed, LSD, poppers, etc.), hypno porn, a chastity cage, nipple clamps, wrist and ankle restraints, a butt plug, and a collar and leash. The first time I combined all of them was amazing and I do this practice as often as I can. Every time I do this type of practice I achieve an even higher and deeper orgasmic erotic enlightenment state. 


Monday, March 29, 2021

The Rise of White Supremacy Porn


With the rise of Trumpism and the MAGA movement a lot of repressed racism has been re-emerging in our collective field. Porn is one domain where this re-emergence has flourished. Our collective shadow around white supremacy has been slowly released by these two movements and strangely enough the more the Neo-Liberal World Order attempts to re-repress it, it is not going away this time. In reality, it never went away for repression never works, it only reinforces that which is being repressed. Since the 2020 election both social media and porn sites have been attempting to repress all this and what is happening is that it is metastasizing into different forms and finding other outlets of expression that are getting stronger. The reality is the only way to stop it is to let it flourish. Resistance and repression increase the energy of the target of these attempts to bury that which we do not wish to own. But it is only through fully and completely owning it, can we ever hope to transcend it. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Erotic Pleasure of Obedience

Why are so many of us awakening to the erotic pleasure of obedience, of surrendering our will and our whole being to another? The Truth is that humanity is going through an evolutionary transformation and part of this transformation is the awakening of our primal selves. The essential nature of the primal self of all beta males and females is submission and servitude to any and all ALPHA MALES and ALPHA FEMALES. 

Deep within us is the need to serve, to worship and to obey an ALPHA MASTER. This servitude is also connected to our primal self's drive to serve, worship and obey an ALPHA GOD. This ALPHA GOD can take many forms including an ALPHA MALE or FEMALE or the Great COCK GOD. 

Once we awaken to this primal self we begin to experience true and deep and expansive erotic pleasures and joys so far beyond what we have known before that we are forever addicted to this erotic awakening itself. One of the main vehicles is hypno porn and as such it can be considered a Sacred Sacrament. 

This Sacrament brainwashes us to stop the thinking of our culturally programmed false selves and addicts us to this brainwashing itself. It reprograms us to awaken to our true primal love of sex and frees us to pleasure ourselves and let our selves be turned on by what truly turns us on. And what truly turns on our primal beta selves is obedience to ALPHAS and fulfilling our need to please them...our need to OBEY...

Saturday, March 27, 2021

When Two or More are Gathered in the Name of COCK

When two or more COCKS touch there is an erotic spark that arises within the depths of the souls of the men involved. This spark connects them to the spark of creation itself and they experience a deep and profound erotic awakening that reverberates through all dimensions of their beingness. 

In that moment they become one with each other and one with the Great COCK GOD itself. There is a fire of great LUST and desire that ignites inside their beingness that can never be extinguished. From that moment on they become servants of the Great COCK GOD and their hunger for COCK will grow more and more with every breath they take for all of eternity. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

The Sacredness of COCK

COCK is sacred because COCK is the physical form that is in the closest contact with that creative Source beyond form. The SACRED SEED that erupts from COCK is the SEED that births all life here in the world of form. As such, COCK is the closest form to what we humans call GOD. When we awaken to the sacredness of COCK, we awaken to our one true GOD in this world of form.