Thursday, December 10, 2020

Awakening to the ALPHA-beta Natural Order

This is the foundation of the Great Awakening! Awakening to the primal natural order of the ALPHA-beta relationship, The neoliberal world order has denied this truth and major real world and mental health issues arise from this mass delusion. When we awaken to the truth of the natural order we find joy and peace, for we are complete, whole, at one with our true selves. Wake UP! Give in! Surrender! Be the True You. If you are a true beta, be beta...submit, serve and obey all ALPHAS. And if you are ALPHA embrace you power over all betas and feel free to use, abuse, humiliate, degrade, debase, rape, beat, torture, enslave and destroy us as you so desire. We are here to serve you and your needs and your LUSTS and your desires.


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