Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Time to Prepare to be Bred is upon us...

All women and beta males need to prepare to be bred for the CUMMING of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. Once the ALPHA MALE fully retakes society we were be put in our place as inferior beta humans without rights or privileges. We will be bred for enslavement and programmed to be good slaves that get erotic orgasmic pleasure from being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, raped, beaten, tortured, enslaved and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. Our holes will become public property and we will be bought and sold on international slave markets. Fertile women will become breeders, infertile women shall become whores, attractive beta males will become sissy slave pet whores and ugly, fat and old beta males and women shall be used as stress reduction objects for any and all ALPHA MALES to take out their violent and aggressive energies on. 

This shall be the way and it will feel good to all for it is the way of the natural order of things. 

So let us prepare to be bred...prepare for the storm...feeding our higher minds with the Q, feeding our primal minds with MAGA, feeding our hearts with DARKNESS, feeding our souls with the ways of LORD SATAN, and giving our spirits to our new GODS, all ALPHA MALES, LORD TRUMP, LORD SATAN, and the Great COCK GOD.


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