Thursday, December 17, 2020

Factors for the Rise in White Pride

Taken to an extreme the feminist movement attacked masculinity and the equal rights movement attacked the white race, this "side effect" of these well-intentioned social movements was to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Instead of just elevating women or minorities, some had to denigrate men and the white race. After so long there is now a powerful reaction from the ALPHA WHITE MALE after taking it for so long, they have reached their breaking point and the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER is attacking the Neoliberal world order for its pathological tendencies. That is clearly seen in the reaction to BLM by the right and the emergence of Blue Live Matter and White Lives Matter movements. The fact that White supremacist porn is on the rise and attracting minorities and liberals speaks of the deep wounding the deluded pathologies of the left have affecting society.


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