Monday, December 7, 2020

The Final Gasps of the Neoliberal American Empire

I was watching Fox news and several military advisors were saying the LORD TRUMP needs to declare martial law and take the election by force. On the dark web the MAGA army is gearing up for a major offensive. Something is coming...the ground is rumbling with a distant storm on the horizon. Once LORD TRUMP declares martial law the Nation-State, Corporate State and Deep State will instantly fall into his hands. And within a few hours we will find ourselves living in the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER and all us libtard women and beta bois will be so beat and broken that we will erotically tremble as our rights and our freedoms are all taking away. Let us prepare for the Great is happening very very very soon...we are feeling the final gasps of life of the neoliberal world order...hold on tight...the ride gets bumpier yet more profound and transformative. 


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