Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Birthing of DEMONS

DEMONS can impregnate both women and beta males with DEMON SEEDS. These seeds exist at the quantum energy level and can impregnate every living cell in an organism. Hosts will feel like something is living inside them and have visions and dreams of DEMONS ravaging them. Some can even get a real swollen belly that is often misdiagnosed as just bloating or gas, but it is really bloating and gas from a swelling of and increase in bacteria in the stomach, which were activated by the exposure to DEMON SEED ENERGY. The birthing process can be physically painful actually with gas pressuring every part of the body. But when the DEMON CHILD is born all that gas is released out of both ends of the body and the DEMON is born into a quantum level energy body which is still not visible to the human eye but can be sensed by the gut. The DEMON who is born into this type of energy body has the capacity to more directly influence material reality. During this time, the DEMONS are rising and invading and impregnating more and more of us...and I have to say it is actually heaven on earth, the orgasm one feels at the moment of birth is so far beyond anything we have known before we cannot weight to go through the process all over again, pain and all.


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