Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Undercover MAGA

There are a lot of us now...us bipolar libtards who are libtard SJW in our public persona and MAGA Slave underneath it all. If LORD TRUMP succeeds in retaking the country we will be free to be our true MAGA Slave selves in public. If LORD TRUMP is thwarted by the neoliberal order we will go underground and prepare for our LORDS return in 2024. Our mission either way will be to serve as many MAGA COCKS as we can while converting as many of our libtard friends and family to the MAGA WAY. Resistance is futile...the storm is CUMING...the Great Awakening has begun. We will win in the long run for we have primal truth on our side. HAIL MAGA! HAIL TRUMP! HAIL the Patriarchy! HAIL the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER! HAIL the Great COCK GOD! And HAIL LORD SATAN!


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