Wednesday, December 16, 2020

MAGA Conversion in Academia

I am a history professor at a small liberal arts college and almost everyone is liberal from faculty to students to service people. One day I got a right-wing ultra conservative racist student in my class. He was constantly challenging everything I said and we had heated debates in front of the class. One time we continued our debate in the hall as I walked to my office. We got into my office and i closed the door because he was getting very loud. I tried to calm him down and figure out what was really bothering him. 

Finally he stood up and said he was sick and tired of me and everyone else at the school espousing all this equal rights bullshit. Then he said he was from a pure white blood line and inferior Jew professors like me should get on their knees and suck his COCK. Then he pulled out his COCK and it was huge and I could not help myself...the next thing I knew I was on my knees sucking his glorious COCK while he called me names like "jew faggot", "sissy faggot jew boi", and more. 

He grabbed my hair and face fucked me like a wild animal whispering about how he was going to feed me the truth and wake me up from my delusions and help me realize my proper place in the natural order. Then he shot his load down my throat and commanded me to drink his truth and I gagged and swallowed the best I could as he shot load after load and then began to piss down the back of my throat. I was so turned on and gulped as much of it all down as I could. At the same time I was totally confused, all my life I held myself and others to a high moral code, but now all I wanted to do was become the sex slave pet whore to this 20 year old alt-right college student who deeply and completely hated me and treated me like an inferior being and an object to be used and abused. Well a week later I was his and have been ever since. I love serving my CONSERVATIVE MASTER but it is a very strange and surreal experience. 

He and his friends are part of the biggest fraternity on campus and all them are alt-right. They all take turns using and abusing me and when I am not in use I am either teaching or in my cage in the basement drugged out and plugged into nonstop VR porm. They all have alt-right tattoos and tell me what they are going to do to me and all Jews someday while they use, abuse, rape, beat and torture me. They tell me how they are going to ultimately torture me to death after I bring them hundreds more Jew professors and students so they can turn them into their slaves as well. They branded me with alt-right tattoos and collared and leashed me and began feminization drug treatments on me, and assigned me one of their alt-right brothers to be my TA and help me with my mission. 

I was so sexually turned on by it all and actually intellectually turned on by the revelation of the connection between alt-right ideology and sexuality. I began to teach about this connection in my classes and my classes became much more popular. Every day I have at least one Jewish student come to my office and tell me how my lectures were turning them on and they were so confused and ashamed. I console them and tell them it is perfectly natural and that they should not repress those feelings but fully express them in some way. That is when I hand them over to the alt-right TA to help them find a way to express their alt-right sexual desires. He shows them an alt-right hypno porn video that they created and by the end of it every student CUMS in their pants and are ashamed and humiliated and turned on by it all. Every student so far has become instantly addicted to the video and watch it nonstop once we send them the link to the video. Within a few weeks they all end up in a cage in the basement of the at-right frat house with me. 

The other Jewish professors on campus are also curious about my work and all come to me as well. I always end up showing them the video and everyone of them has CUM in their pants and feel the powerful erotic shame and humiliation as well. They too end up in the basement with me after a few weeks of them "researching" the video nonstop for weeks. 

I also wrote a book on my new discovery between alt-right ideology and human sexuality and have received hundreds of calls from Jewish professors from all over the world asking me all sorts of questions. Of course I send them the link to the video and like always within a few weeks they too are hooked completely. My frat MASTERS then find them all an alt-right MASTER nearby where they live. I know this is all madness...yet it feels so right and so real and so hot...and I cannot help by feel great erotic joy as I realize that day by day, the Great Awakening is happening...and soon I shall meet death itself as an insanely erotic adventure and there is something strangely wondrous about it all.


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